What is 1 3 of 25

? Conversion settings:


Conversion settings explained

First of all, you don't have to change any settings to use the converter. It's absolutely optional.

Number of significat figures

Do you want rounded off figures or scientifically precise ones? For everyday conversions we recommend choosing 3 or 4 significant digits. If you want maximum precision, set the number to 9

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1 234 567.89

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Your value (one third or .(3), 1/3):

Here we will show you how to calculate 1/3 divided by 25. We will give you the answer in fraction form and in decimal form.

Here is 1/3 divided by 25 displayed mathematically in colors:

1 3   ÷   25

The numbers in 1/3 divided by 25 are labeled below:1 = numerator
3 = denominator
25 = whole number

To make it a fraction form answer, you keep the numerator and multiply the denominator by the whole number to make a new denominator:

Thus, the answer to 1/3 divided by 25 in fraction form is:

To make the answer to 1/3 divided by 25 in decimal form, you simply divide the numerator by the denominator from the fraction answer above:

1/75 = 0.0133

The answer is rounded to the nearest four decimal points if necessary.

What is 1/4 divided by 25?
Did you like our explanation and solution to 1/3 divided by 25? If so, try the next problem on our list here.


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How do you multiply 25 by 1/3? Here we will show you step-by-step how to solve 25 times 1/3, which can be written as follows:

25   x   1 3

Step 1: Setup
First of all, note that 25 is the same as 25/1 since 25 divided by 1 is 25. Therefore, start by setting up the problem like this:

25 1   x   1 3

Step 2: Multiply
Multiply the numerators together (25 x 1 = 25) and multiply the denominators together (1 x 3 = 3) and make it into one fraction like so:

Step 3: Convert
Convert the improper fraction above to a mixed number to get the answer:

That's it! Now you know how to calculate 25 times 1/3.

Whole Number Times Fraction Calculator
Enter another whole number and fraction for us to multiply together:

What is 25 times 1/4
Did you like our explanation and solution to 25 times 1/3? If so, try the next problem on our list here.

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How do you find a 1/3 of a number?

Let the number be x..
To find one-third of a number, divide the number by 3 ,.

How do you calculate 1/3 of a percentage?

What is 1/3 as a percent? Thus, the fraction is equivalent to 33.33 percent.

What is the fraction of 3 and 25?

3/25 = 325 = 0.12.

What is the 1/3rd of 30?

One third of thirty is the same as dividing 30 into three big 'chunks' and having one of them for yourself; 30 ÷ 3 is 10, so your 'slice' (or answer) is 10.


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