What does thread count mean with sheets

In the past, thread count was a measure of quality—the higher the thread count, the better the quality. However, that simply isn't true anymore. High thread counts can certainly make for better sheets, but the quality of the thread matters more than the number. In fact, a better-quality fiber with a lower thread count will feel softer and stand up to washing better than a lower-quality fiber with a higher thread count. Here's what you pay for when you're buying sheets.


Cotton-polyester blend sheets are wrinkle-resistant, durable (polyester lasts longer than cotton), and relatively inexpensive (up to half the cost of all cotton). But if you're looking for that cool, soft feel, nothing beats 100% cotton. You'll rarely wake up clammy on cotton sheets, since the fiber wicks moisture away from your skin. And cotton sheets are less likely to stain than polyester blends; a water-loving fiber, cotton releases dirt easily when wet.

All types of cotton share these wonderful traits, but long-staple (or long-fiber) cotton makes for a noticeably softer sheet, and the surface won't pill and lint like one woven from shorter fibers. The words "Egyptian long-staple," "pima," and "Supima" all denote high-quality long fibers.


The weave affects the way a sheet feels, the way it looks, its longevity, and its price. Basic plain weaves, which are woven from an equal number of vertical and horizontal yarns, are the least expensive and may not rate a mention on the label. Percale is an upscale plain weave with a thread count of 180 or higher and is known for its longevity and crisp feel.

Sateen weaves have more vertical than horizontal yarns. The higher proportion of vertical threads results in an extremely soft fabric, but one that is more apt to pill and tear than a plain weave. Intricate weaves (such as jacquards and damasks) feel textured, with a pattern alternating from satiny soft to coarse and nubby. They can be as durable as plain weaves, but they are made on special looms and are considerably more expensive.


Most sheets are treated with chemicals (including chlorine, formaldehyde, and silicon) to keep them from shrinking, losing their shape, and wrinkling. Some are treated with alkalis to produce a sheen.

A handful of manufacturers offer pure-finish sheets, meaning that no chemicals were used or that all traces of chemicals used during manufacturing have been removed. You'll have a harder time keeping these sheets wrinkle-free, but it may be worth it if you suffer from allergies or chemical sensitivities. (Pure-finish sheets are available from Garnet Hill, garnethill.com.)


Patterns and colors are usually applied to sheets after they're woven, which means the sheets may feel stiff until you've washed them a few times. The softest (and most expensive) colored or patterned sheets, including jacquard weaves, are made of yarn-dyed fabrics, woven from colored yarns.

Thread Count

There isn't really a best thread count for sheets. Depending on budget, aim for a thread count between 400 and 1,000.

The highest thread count you should look for is 1,000. Anything above that number is unnecessary and often lower quality. This is because manufacturers use thinner cotton to cram in as many threads as possible, increasing the ply or the number of single threads twisted together.

Sheets that are 800 thread count are almost always double-ply, meaning they are twice as thick as 400 thread count sheets. Double-ply sheets are thicker and more durable, so they tend to last longer, justifying higher prices. They are also ideal if you sleep with pets because they're better at resisting pet hair. Another advantage of 800 thread count sheets is that they allow the body to retain more heat.

A thread count of 600 is the highest possible for single ply sheets. These sheets tend to be less expensive than 800 thread count. While comparably soft, they are often less durable. However, they are better at keeping the body cooler during the warmer months.

While 400 thread count sheets are the minimum you should look for, that doesn't necessarily mean that they're low quality. In fact, 400 thread count sheets made of premium quality material can feel as soft as higher thread count sheets, possibly even softer. Long staple cotton is an ideal fiber for sheets, but particularly for lower thread counts.

  • By Christine Camean
  • By Amanda Lauren

What does "thread count" mean?

What is thread count? Does it matter? What is the best thread count for sheets? Shop for linens like an expert with our guide to thread counts.

Have you ever found yourself wondering what the best sheets thread count is? Have you ever asked yourself, what does thread count mean? We’ve interviewed a few experts to expand on this topic and provide additional perspective. Dr. Ning Pan, a Textiles and Clothing professor at the University of California at Davis, describes thread count as “a convenient way to describe yarn thickness.” By adding each warp (the vertical threads) with each weft (the horizontal threads) per square inch, one can reveal the thread count.

Dr. Pan informed us that there are many ways to get around increasing thread count without really increasing the fineness or hand of the linen. We know, and Dr. Pan confirms, that the most thread that can realistically be woven into one square inch is 400. Customers should be wary of products boasting a higher number for this reason: Other manufactures can place multiple threads into the fabric that are not actually woven in. This process increases the thread count but does not increase the overall hand feel or fineness. In order for a manufacturer to add more threads per square inch, the threads themselves need to be thinner, which decreases the quality and longevity of your linen.

Julian Tomchin, who has worked in various positions from senior vice president and fashion director for home at Bloomingdale’s to senior vice president of creative services for home product development at Macy’s, also gives us insight into what we would like to call, the 1,000 thread count myth. According to his 2009 NY Times interview, some linens manufacturers use two or three-ply yarns and use simple multiplication to arrive at their thread count number. Next time you are on the hunt for 800 thread count sheets, remember this post and remember that anything above 400 is usually the result of “creative counting”, as Tomchin puts it.

As consumers, we know that you want a soft feel and something that won’t disintegrate, tear or fray quickly. Thanks to Dr. Pan and Julian Tomchin, we know that higher sheets thread count doesn’t necessarily correspond with a higher quality or softer feeling linen. We hope their expertise helps make answering the question "What does thread count mean?" a little simpler, and that it makes your future purchasing decisions easy.

If you ARE in the market for high-quality, yet affordable linens, you should check out our 400 thread count sheets collection!

What is the best thread count on sheets?

The best sheets typically have a thread count between 200 and 400. Any thread count lower than 180 tends to have a rougher texture. Any number over 400 is most likely an inflated figure due to multi-ply thread, meaning you'll pay a premium price for a sheet that doesn't actually feel any softer.

Is 1500 a good thread count for sheets?

Sheets with a thread count between 600-800 are considered very high quality. A 1500 thread count is through the roof. If you're suspicious about a set of 1500 thread-count sheets for $22 dollars, you're right to be.

What is a good thread count for cotton sheets?

According to the many experts we've interviewed, really good sheets—the ones that feel soft and wear well after years of use and washing—generally have thread counts ranging from 200 to 600, depending on whether they're percale or sateen.

Is Higher thread count better?

Thread count refers to the number of horizontal and vertical threads per square inch. Generally, the higher the thread count, the softer the sheet, and the more likely it will wear well — or even soften — over time. Good sheets range anywhere from 200 to 800, although you'll occasionally see numbers over 1,000.


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