What are some advantages and disadvantages of solar energy

Major Advantages and Disadvantages of Solar Energy.

Solar energy is obtained from Solar Radiation. While, Solar Radiation is Free, Solar Energy is Not Free. There are Cost and Technology involved in Converting Solar Radiation to Solar Energy. Like any other Technology, Solar Energy has several Advantages and Disadvantages associated with it.

Here we will understand all the Major Advantages (Pros) and Disadvantages (Cons) of Solar Energy.

  • What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Solar Energy?
    • Advantages of Solar Energy
    • Disadvantages of Solar Energy

What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Solar Energy?

S. No. Advantages (Pros) Disadvantages (Cons)


Renewable and Pollution Free Needs Lots of Space
2. Reduce Electricity Bill High Initial Cost
3. Less to No Maintenance for Years No Solar Power at Night and Cloudy Days
4. More Solar Energy in Summer Less Solar Energy in Winter
5. Diverse Application DC Equipment are Expensive
6. Can be Stored in Battery Expensive Battery

Advantages of Solar Energy

1. Renewable and Pollution Free

Solar Radiation is Free and Clean and Renewable Source of Energy. Converting Solar Radiation to Solar Energy is Pollution-Free. The PV Cell, Module and Panel Create No Pollution at all. Since the Sun has been shining for billions of years and will continue to be there, it is excellent source of free energy.

2. Reduce Electricity Bill

Increasing electricity bill is a major concern around the world. Traditional electricity generation, transmission and distribution is getting expensive day by day. To reduce electricity bill, more and more people around the world are installing Home Solar Panel System. Though Initial Installation Cost of such a system is expensive, it can lots of money over years.

3. Less to No Maintenance for Years

One of the major benefits of Solar Photovoltaic Panel System is that there is very less to no maintenance costs involved. Most Solar Companies in the World offer a Warranty of 25 to 30 Years on their Solar Systems. Both Commercial and Home Panel Systems keep working and generating solar electricity for years and years.

4. More Solar Energy in Summer

PV Cells need good sunlight to generate electricity. Hence a Solar Panel System generates more Energy in Summer as the Days are Longer and Hot. This is not the case in Winter, at Night or on Cloudy Days. Solar Systems can generate huge electricity in places such as desserts that receive good sunlight throughout the year.

5. Diverse Application

Solar Energy can be use for diverse applications like Solar Home Lighting System, Solar Water Heater, Solar Cooker and Home Appliances, Home Heating and Cooling System etc. It can also be used to run automobiles like Car. Most Satellites and Space Equipment use Solar Energy to power themselves.

6. Can be Stored to Use Later

Another very useful benefit of Solar Energy is that it can be Used in Solar Battery to use later when there is no sunlight. The amount of electricity that can be stored depends on Number of Solar Panels installed and Storage Capacity of the Battery. Price of solar batteries depend on its capacity (Ah) and Warranty.

Disadvantages of Solar Energy

1. Needs Lots of Space

The Biggest Disadvantage of Solar Panel System is that the Solar Panels and Models Occupy a Large Area. A Rooftop Home Solar Panel System will need Large Space for Solar Panel Mounts on which the Panels are Installed. Also the Area must be Shadow Free and Receive Good Sunlight. The Orientation must also be in the Right Direction to the the Maximum Output.

For commercial purpose, Vast land area is required to generate enough solar electricity to transmit and distribute.

2. High Initial Cost

Another Big Disadvantage of Solar Panel System is the Initial Installation Cost. For a Home Solar Panel System the the initial Installation Cost Per Watt is about US $ = 2.

So, if you need to generate 500 Watts of Solar Energy, then the cost could be around 500 * 2 = US $ 1,000.00. Cost of a 1Kw Home Solar Panel System with Battery could be between around $ 2,000.00

Read: Solar Energy Cost

3. No Solar Power at Night and Cloudy Days

This is another drawback of a Solar Panel System. It needs constant exposure to sunlight to generate energy. The system will not generate any Energy during Night and will also not perform at its full potential on cloudy days. At this time, the energy stored in the battery will have to be used.

4. Less Solar Energy in Winter

In winter the Days are cold and the sunlight is not too bright. Same is the case in regions that are too cold. During this time or places, the system will not work to its full potential.

5. DC Equipment are Expensive

Solar Panels Generate DC (Direct Current) from Sunlight. This electricity can be used Directly to Run Electrical Appliances that Run on DC. But such Appliances are Comparatively Expansive then Appliance that run on AC.

However, an inverter can be used to convert DC to AC.

6. Expensive Battery.

The Solar Energy generated by the Solar Panels can be stored in Batteries and used when required. But the disadvantage here is that these Solar Batteries to too expensive at present. Cost of solar batteries depend on its capacity (Ah) and Warranty. Also NOTE that Tubular Batteries give better backup, last longer and offer more years of warranty. Hence they cost more than flat plate battery. Price also depends on Brand.

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Santosh Das

Santosh, founder of this Electronics Tutorial Website, is an Electronics Geek, Blogger and Young Entrepreneur. He possesses vast experience in the field of electronics, electronic components, PCB, Soldering, SMT, Telecommunication, ESD Safety, and PCB Assembly Tools, Equipment and Consumables. Keep visiting for daily dose of Tips and Tutorials.

What are 3 disadvantages of solar?

On the other hand, the key disadvantages of solar energy include that it doesn't work for every roof, it's not ideal if you're about to move, the upfront cost can be expensive, savings can be low if your electricity bills are low, and finding a local installer can be difficult.

What are 10 disadvantages of solar energy?

10 Disadvatanges Of Solar Panels.
High upfront cost. ... .
The size of system is dependent on your available space. ... .
Requires sunny weather to work best. ... .
Manufacturing of solar panels can harm the environment. ... .
Low energy conversion rate. ... .
Cannot be used at night. ... .
Solar panels are fixed at their installed location..

What are some advantages of solar energy?

Solar power is pollution-free and causes no greenhouse gases to be emitted after installation. Reduced dependence on foreign oil and fossil fuels. Renewable clean power that is available every day of the year, even cloudy days produce some power. Return on investment unlike paying for utility bills.

What is a disadvantage of using solar energy?

In general, the disadvantages of solar energy include high cost, low efficiency, space needed for installing solar panels, the unreliability of sun exposure, and high pollution from manufacturing solar panels. Concentrated solar power plants are massively expensive to install with very low return on investment.


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