Use it or lose it insurance benefits

Did you know that if you don’t use all of your health insurance benefits this year, you lose them forever? 

You may have met your deductible for 2016 already. If so, you can take advantage of lower (or no) out-of-pocket expenses for medical services such as sleep studies, PAP or supplies (learn about insurance coverage for these services here).

Waiting until next year means that not only will you lose any unused benefits for this year, but also that you’ll have to first satisfy a new year’s deductible before any benefits will be paid. 

We understand that patients and their physicians are concerned about rising out-of-pocket expenses for health care; unfortunately, this often affects decisions about how healthcare is administered.

Now, more than ever, it’s important to understand your insurance benefits and take advantage of your benefits. Here are some key terms that you should understand.

In-network vs. out-of-network

Looking for in-network providers can help reduce your cost as these providers contract with the insurance companies at lower rates. Out-of-network rates can be much higher or services may not be covered at all if the service provider is not considered in-network! This is an important question to ask your service provider (we have a list of insurances we’re contracted with here). 

For sleep studies, this can mean the difference between paying nothing out-of-pocket if you select an in-network provider or being billed for up to $1,200 for selecting an out-of-network provider. Learn more about why it’s important to chose an in-network provider here.

Deductibles vs. co-pays

Deductibles can range anywhere from $50 to $15,000 and beyond. This is the amount the insured person must pay before the insurance company pays for any services. Each plan is different and rules vary widely.  Co-pays also vary by the type of service. A routine visit may cost you a $20 copay while a visit to the ER costs $200. Again, this also varies according to whether the provider is in or out of network with your insurance company. 

Check out our Guide to Understanding Your Health Insurance.

If you have been postponing medical care, now may be the time! You can call your insurance company or medical service provider to reverify your coverage and benefits. If you have no medical needs at this time, good for you! Please share this reminder with friends or family who may.

Please just accept this as a reminder that we are concerned with keeping your out-of-pocket medical costs to a minimum and enjoy the rest of 2016 and sleep well!

Contact us to schedule your sleep study, CPAP set-up or order replacement CPAP supplies before the end of the year!

Contact us.

Other posts you may find interesting:

  • Why is it Important to Chose an In-Network Provider? Learn the Facts.
  • How Much Will a Sleep Study Cost Me?
  • Will my Insurance Cover CPAP? Frequently Asked Questions About Coverage
  • How Does the Affordable Care Act Treat Sleep Apnea?
  • How Often Should You Replace Your CPAP Supplies?

Julia Rodriguez

Julia joined Advanced Sleep Medicine Services, Inc. in 2011 with a background in sales, marketing and customer service. She is currently the vice president of marketing and operations and enjoys the opportunity to educate and interact with those looking to improve their health through better sleep.

Do you have Private Health Insurance with Dental benefits?

If you have answered yes to the above question then read along.

Most Health insurances reset the Dental benefits every year in December. This means if you have not used your benefits you will lose it.

Let’s say you pay $50 per month ($560 per year) and you have a $500 annual limit towards General Dental which is up to 2 check-ups and clean. If you do not use this benefit then it will expire at the end of the year .

Now you may ask why do I need 2 check-ups and clean?

It’s simple, our baby teeth fall off by the time we reach 12 years and the adult teeth that grow is what we have. So, it’s important to look after your teeth by regularly brushing your teeth at least twice a day along with flossing and getting your teeth professionally checked and cleaned by your dentist twice a year.

Your dental visit will ensure any major dental problems are identified and fixed before they become major which ultimately will be expensive to fix.

Have you wondered why the Health Fund gives you an annual limit that amounts to 2 check-ups and clean?

This is because they want you to look after and maintain good oral hygiene. This would mean you will not need complex treatment and they will not need to pay more for your treatment.

So, what to do next?

  • Schedule a check-up and clean appointment ASAP.
  • Pre-book your next 6 monthly visits after your appointment so we will send you a reminder when your appointment is due.
  • Lastly attend your appointment as the more you maintain, less problems will be identified and more money you will have in your pocket.

Ready to Book your Appointment?

Call us on [PRACTICE PHONE] or click the Book Now button to schedule a check-up and clean appointment.

Do you have Private Health Insurance with Dental benefits?

If you have answered yes to the above question then read along.

Most Health insurances reset the Dental benefits every year in December. This means if you have not used your benefits you will lose it.

Let’s say you pay $50 per month ($560 per year) and you have a $500 annual limit towards General Dental which is up to 2 check-ups and clean. If you do not use this benefit then it will expire at the end of the year .

Now you may ask why do I need 2 check-ups and clean?

It’s simple, our baby teeth fall off by the time we reach 12 years and the adult teeth that grow is what we have. So, it’s important to look after your teeth by regularly brushing your teeth at least twice a day along with flossing and getting your teeth professionally checked and cleaned by your dentist twice a year.

Your dental visit will ensure any major dental problems are identified and fixed before they become major which ultimately will be expensive to fix.

Have you wondered why the Health Fund gives you an annual limit that amounts to 2 check-ups and clean?

This is because they want you to look after and maintain good oral hygiene. This would mean you will not need complex treatment and they will not need to pay more for your treatment.

So, what to do next?

  • Schedule a check-up and clean appointment ASAP.
  • Pre-book your next 6 monthly visits after your appointment so we will send you a reminder when your appointment is due.
  • Lastly attend your appointment as the more you maintain, less problems will be identified and more money you will have in your pocket.

Ready to Book your Appointment?

Call us on (07) 3883 2434 or click the Book Now button (at the top) to schedule a check-up and clean appointment.


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