Solutions to mathematical statistics and data analysis

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Mathematical Statistics and Data Analysis

3rd Edition


Data Sets


  • p 14 -nr in 3rd equation should be +nr
  • p 85 In example B, replace 90 degrees by 45 degrees
  • p 97 horizontal axis of figure 3.17 should be labeled "x"
  • p 109 problem 15c: P(X^2 + Y^2 \leq 1/2)
  • p 119 insert dx in the integral of the last displayed equation
  • p 124 u_2 in line 7 should be U_2
  • p 126 line 10 3rd paragraph: x-L should be x-L+2
  • p 127 in the third displayed equation, the lower limit of the summation should be x=1
  • p 140 next to last line, "He takes a step of..."
  • p 144 line 4, delete "by Theorem A"
  • p 144 last displayed equation: \pi_i \pi_j
  • p 163 second displayed equation should be split into two equations, the second starting with g''
  • p 203 Example A: 10^33 should be 10^28
  • p 227 in the second displayed equation, the fraction should be 63/392
  • p 230 In the last displayed equation, the numerator should be 589.7
  • p 236 in the expression following "zero since" near the bottom of the page, the lower index of summation should be i=1
  • p 236 third displayed equation from the bottom, the upper limit of summation should be N_l
  • p 262 10th line of text in 2nd paragraph: "and lambda_0" should be "for lambda_0"
  • p 271. First paragraph: alpha = .441 lambda = 1.96
  • p 311 line 14 of third paragraph: "be a prior" should be "by a prior"
  • p 332 2nd line of text in Neyman-Pearson box: "c and" should be "c has"
  • p 333 line 11 of text: X should be \bar{X}
  • p 343 line 6 of second paragraph of Hardy-Weinberg example: delete comma after "multinomial cell"
  • p 364 Problem 17, first line. H_0:\sigma = \sigma_0
  • p 422 line 3 of text: (n-1) should be (n-1)^{-1}
  • p 436 "7 choose 2" should be "4 choose 2"
  • p 441 at the top add: Let U_Y = \sum _{i=1}^n \sum_{j=1}^m Z_{ij}
  • p 441 2nd line of Example B: replace "Corollary A" by Theorem A
  • p 442 last displayed equation: replace k by k-1
  • p 443 displayed equation at bottom of page: \xi in \exp() should not be raised to a power
  • p 499 last displayed equation: (i-1) should be (I-1)
  • p 530 last displayed equatioin: \log \pi_{ijk} = \alpha_i + \beta_j + \gamma_k + \delta_{ij} + \epsilon_{ik} + \phi_{jk}
  • p 550 second displayed equation in Example A: S should be lower case s
  • p 585 second to last line: Theorem A of Section 14.4.2
  • p 586 fifth line of text: Theorm B of Section 14.4.2
  • A34: Solution for problem 3.11 should be 5/36 + log(2)/6
  • A34: Solution for 15(d):: 3/2 should be 3/4
  • A34: Solution for problem 55, should be multiplied by 1/(2 pi)
  • A38: Solution for problem 8.31 should be: (a) \theta(1-\theta)^6; (b) \hat{\theta} = 1/7
  • A39: Solution for problem 9.19d should be (d) 1 - (1 -\alpha)^{3/2}
  • A40: Solution for problem 21 b & c: power = \alpha/2
  • A46: Solution for problem 1b. v=\log a;
    Solution for problem 5: rows 4,5 and 6 of X should be [-1 1 0], [-1 0 1], and [0 -1 1] respectively

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The probability of choosing atleast one defected item in the sample, $\, p \,$ = 1 - Probability of choosing no defected item in the sample.

We have total $\, N \,$ items and $\, k \,$ of them are defected. Thus the probability of choosing a sample of size $\, n \,$ with no defected item = $\, \frac { {N-k} \choose n} {N \choose n} \,$.

Thus $\, p = 1 - \frac { {N-k} \choose n} {N \choose n} \,$. Now we can plot this function with $\, n \,$ and $\, p \,$ as variables to get the desired sample size. Skipping the sketch part :)

$$\tag*{$\blacksquare$} $$

This is a nice book that introduces mathematical statistical techniques to model various data sets. Readers unfamiliar with this book can see what others have said here.

To learn this material as well as possible I worked through some of the book's problems and exercises and wrote up my solutions and put them in book form. The R scripts used in the solutions for the various chapters are given below. The solution manual has detailed explanations of the R codes below and further explanations of the questions asked in the end of chapter exercises. Note that this solution manual is for the 3rd edition of the textbook. There are are large number of overlapping problems between the different editions of the textbook so these notes should help if you have an earlier version of the textbook.

I've only had time to work some of the problems in chapter 12. If I get more time I'd love to work more problems. You can find the solutions I have done here.

What are the basic mathematical and statistical techniques?

Mathematical Statistics Mathematical techniques used for different analytics include mathematical analysis, linear algebra, stochastic analysis, differential equation and measure-theoretic probability theory.

What is mathematics and data analysis?

Data Analysis, Statistics, and Probability introduces statistics as a problem-solving process. In this course, you can build your skills through investigations of different ways to collect and represent data, and describe and analyze variation in data.

What math is used in statistical analysis?

Statistics is a branch of applied mathematics that involves the collection, description, analysis, and inference of conclusions from quantitative data. The mathematical theories behind statistics rely heavily on differential and integral calculus, linear algebra, and probability theory.

What are example mathematical statistics?

A statistic is a number that represents a property of the sample. For example, if we consider one math class to be a sample of the population of all math classes, then the average number of points earned by students in that one math class at the end of the term is an example of a statistic.


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