Rollercoaster baby mild high club lyrics

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Mild High Club – Rollercoaster Baby lyrics

Well, I'm not your rollercoaster, baby
I tell you, keeping it straight
Why I gotta roll the dice, gotta play, girl
For the people will pay?

Well, I'm not your rollercoaster, baby
You never let me explain
Why I gotta roll the dice for your problems?
You keep me playing this game

Lyrics taken from /lyrics/m/mild_high_club/rollercoaster_baby.html

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Well, I'm not your rollercoaster, baby,
I tell you, keeping it straight.
Why I gotta roll the dice, gotta play, girl,
For the people will pay?

Well, I'm not your rollercoaster, baby,
You never let me explain.
Why I gotta roll the dice for your problems?
You keep me playing this game.

Well, I'm not your rollercoaster, baby
I tell you, keeping it straight
Why I gotta roll the dice, gotta play, girl
For the people will pay?

Well, I'm not your rollercoaster, baby
You never let me explain
Why I gotta roll the dice for your problems?
You keep me playing this game

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Mild High Club Rollercoaster Baby
Well, I'm not your rollercoaster, baby,
I tell you, keeping it straight.
Why I gotta roll the dice, gotta play, girl,
For the people will pay?

Well, I'm not your rollercoaster, baby,
You never let me explain.
Why I gotta roll the dice for your problems?
You keep me playing this game.

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