Positive pregnancy test at night and negative in the morning


01/4Morning vs Night

The decision of when to take the pregnancy test to get an accurate result can at times be a major source of anxiety. Whether you are eagerly waiting to get pregnant or you don't want to get pregnant, in both cases, the last thing you want is an inaccurate result. Most of us rely on a home pregnancy testing kit to get the primary confirmation, only after this we opt for proper lab testing. Urine home pregnancy tests are about 99 per cent accurate. But at times it can be influenced by factors like the irregular menstrual cycle, low hormone level, lifestyle factors and others. According to popular belief, taking a pregnancy test in the morning is the best as the chances of getting a false negative is higher at night. Here we have tried to figure out how much truth is there in this claim.


02/4​Can you take a pregnancy test at night?

It is alright to take the pregnancy test at night, but whether doing so can be a reason for the negative result or not is yet unclear. That's because the home pregnancy test responds to the level of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) present in your urine. The hormone is produced by the placenta and by the tenth day of the ovulation, the amount of hCG reaches a level where it can be easily detected by a home test kit. Taking the test in the morning is mostly recommended because of the concentration of the urine. Since you would not have drunk water or pee at night, the level of hCG will be higher in the urine and it will be easy to detect if you would be pregnant. At night, your urine would be diluted and the level of hCG would be low, leading to negative pregnancy.


03/4​What to do if you test negative at night

The at-home pregnancy test kit mostly gives accurate results, but the chances of getting a negative pregnancy still remain. If you are trying to get pregnant or witness any pregnancy-related symptoms and your test kit shows a negative result, we recommend you to take another test in the morning or after a few days. Several things can influence your result and can give a negative result like taking a test too early, not following the direction and others.


04/4​The best time to take a pregnancy test

The best time to take the pregnancy test is after your period is late. Some test kits show positive results within 4 or 5 days before your period is due. But taking the test after a missed period is better to get a more accurate result and avoid false negatives. In case of irregular menstrual cycles, wait 35 to 40 days before taking the test. Taking the test in the morning is more preferred over the night to get an accurate result.


Home pregnancy tests are 99% accurate. However, even the most reliable test can give the wrong result when some other factors interfere with it. If you’ve taken a pregnancy test and are confused, read about six reasons why the pregnancy test may have been incorrect.

Home pregnancy tests can pick up HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). After the fertilized egg has attached to the wall of your uterus, your placenta’s cells produce HCG. This hormone helps the egg grow, protect it from immune reactions, and assist with progesterone production. In a home pregnancy test, you pee on a small stick that detects if HCG is in your urine.

Here are six reasons why the + or – sign may be incorrect, and you’ll want to get a second opinion.

1) Medical Reason

Cancers produce hormones, and ovarian tumors can increase the HCG hormone.

2) Diluted Urine

HCG is at its highest level in the morning when urine is fresh and not diluted by the liquid you drink during the day. If you test in the afternoon, your urine may not have enough HCG to detect.

3) Miscarriage

After a miscarriage, your body still has hormones that will lead to a positive test.

4) Medications

Most medications—antibiotics, birth control, over-the-counter medicines, won’t alter the pregnancy test’s accuracy. But if you’re taking fertility drugs or are participating in a weight loss program that uses injections, your urine may show traces of HCG.

5) Testing too early

If you take a pregnancy test a day or two after a missed period, the test may not detect HCG. To increase accuracy, take the test a week after a missed period.

6) Checking test results too soon

Set a timer according to the package instructions to give the test time to work.

What Should You Do if You Think the Pregnancy Test is Wrong?

Based on your test results, consider taking the following steps:
• Make an appointment with your doctor. You might need a blood test or ultrasound to confirm your pregnancy.
• Repeat the test in two to three days, especially if you took the test just after a missed period.
• If you continue to get negative test results, but your period doesn’t begin, check with your doctor. Other conditions can lead to missing a period, including low body weight, excessive exercise, stress, thyroid disorders, etc.

Can you get a positive pregnancy test then a negative and still be pregnant?

This is because hCG levels rise rapidly in the first few days after implantation. It's also possible to get a positive test result followed by a negative result. If you use two different pregnancy tests, this could be the result of varying test sensitivity. Wait a few days and test again.

Can a pregnancy test be positive if taken at night?

Chances are that if you take a pregnancy test at night and it reads positive, you're pregnant. There are a few situations where you may experience a false positive, including: chemical pregnancies. ectopic pregnancies.

Can hCG levels be higher at night?

Why? While you're sleeping, hCG becomes more concentrated in your urine. Unless you wake up in the middle of the night to pee, first thing in the morning is the best time for early detection of pregnancy.

Why are my pregnancy tests negative in the morning?

Also, if you're testing very early, your test may only detect hCG in your urine in the morning when it's most concentrated. This is also why it's important not to drink too much water before using a home pregnancy test, as this can dilute your hCG levels as well.


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