Npm err cannot read property match of undefined

npm err cannot read property 'resolve' of undefined

ERR! Cannot read property 'resolve' of undefined After extensive research, it turned out this was the result of an incompatibility between old versions of n (<2.1.12) and recent versions of node. Online forums said the solution was to downgrade back to the older version of Node and be happy with that.

cannot read property 'match' of undefined npm install

No, it should not. This is "the recommended workaround" but is incredibly broken in practice. Having a locked dependency in package.json in no way ensures that dependency's dependencies will remain consistent, so removing the package-lock.json file, npm installing, and generating a newlock file *will allow those sub-dependencies to change, which often completely breaks any future building.

Cannot read property 'match' of undefined npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: npm ERR! /Users/user/.npm/_logs/2018-06-01T14_22_06_261Z-debug.log Can confirm that rm package-lock.json resolves the issue - but comes back after running audit fix.

npm err cannot read property 'match' of undefined stackoverflow

Teams. Q&A for Work. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information.

npm err TypeError: Cannot read property 'match' of undefined and break the script that is running. Resolution. This is a known version bug in NPM. Right now, the best way to resolve is to regenerate the package-lock.json until there is a fix for the cause. Remove the node_modules and package-lock.json (or npm-shrinkwrap.json, if that is what is being used).

cannot read property 'get' of undefined npm

my npm is broken - Cannot read property 'get' of undefined. Ask Question Cannot read property 'resolve' of undefined when using npm to install a package.

Instead by ditching npm_modules and package-lock.json and doing npm install will load a new node_modules and that supposed to be required by package.json. You have to commit the new package-lock.json along with your latest changes of the project.

cannot read property 'get' of undefined node js

All collections used in Discord.js are mapped using their id property, and if you want to find by id you should use the get method. See MDN for details. Therefore, the data stored at server[index] (in the 3rd line of your code) must not be a valid guild id.

cannot read property 'loaded' of undefined npm

npm 报错 Cannot read property 'loaded' of undefined at exit (D:\***) 版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,遵循 CC 4.0 BY-SA 版权协议,转载请附上原文出处链接和本声明。.

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发布于 2021-06-05

npm install 突然报这个错 之前还是好好地

npm ERR! Cannot read property 'match' of undefined npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: npm ERR! C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache\_logs\2018-08-06T01_49_46_486Z-debug.log

回忆了一下 应该是项目多出了package-lock.json导致的


  1. npm cache clear --force (执行完成后npm install 没效再执行步骤2)
  2. 删了项目文件夹下面的package-lock.json,然后再运行npm install(没效执行步骤3)
  3. rm -rf node_modules rm package-lock.json npm cache clear --force npm install




阅读 4k更新于 2021-06-05

本作品系原创,采用《署名-非商业性使用-禁止演绎 4.0 国际》许可协议

Questions : npm error: Cannot read property match of undefined

2022-09-22T21:29:29+00:00 2022-09-22T21:29:29+00:00


While installing firebase using npm install anycodings_javascript firebase. I am getting the error

npm ERR! Cannot read property 'match' of undefined

I read many posts in StackOverflow saying anycodings_javascript that deleting the package.json and anycodings_javascript package-lock.json will solve this problem. anycodings_javascript But why I am getting this error, what's the anycodings_javascript reason behind this error?

Total Answers 0

The error may vary on what npm internals anycodings_npm file it can be thrown! (And i wonder for anycodings_npm all the possible reasons)! And it should anycodings_npm be a bug!

(in my last case: it was on anycodings_npm [_canPlaceDep] method of the file anycodings_npm build-ideal-tree.js of npm!


If none of the common methods works! And anycodings_npm that you are using nodejs v15+ and one anycodings_npm of latest npm version! Go to the last anycodings_npm part! The problem that i call the nodejs anycodings_npm VERSIONS HELL! (NOTE: after reflection! anycodings_npm For npm it may not be a version HELL! anycodings_npm READ TO KNOW)

How to try to solve

Removing node_modules

\rm -r node_modules

Reinstall after

npm install

(NOTICE: that may still not work)

You can try to remove package.lock too!

Clearing the cache

npm cache clean --force

That can work if the cache get currupted anycodings_npm somehow! But the common error is more of anycodings_npm Unexpected end of JSON input while anycodings_npm parsing near ...

You can check my answer here (that anycodings_npm explain it well): anycodings_npm //

Removing package.lock (which is not adviced)

rm package.lock

Why not advised

From @DanielIM comment

No, it should not. This is "the anycodings_npm recommended workaround" but is anycodings_npm incredibly broken in practice. Having a anycodings_npm locked dependency in package.json in no anycodings_npm way ensures that dependency's anycodings_npm dependencies will remain consistent, so anycodings_npm removing the package-lock.json file, npm anycodings_npm installing, and generating a newlock anycodings_npm file *will allow those sub-dependencies anycodings_npm to change, which often completely breaks anycodings_npm any future building. Using an existing anycodings_npm lock file is often the only way to anycodings_npm maintain builds (that is the POINT of anycodings_npm the file, after all) so removing it anycodings_npm completely goes against the reason for anycodings_npm its existence.

So generally it's nice to leave that as anycodings_npm a last resort! If it does not work ! You anycodings_npm can try with removing node_modules too!

Reinstalling nodejs or NPM

A problem can happen at npm level! anycodings_npm Trying to reinstall can be a nice way!

To test quickly in place of anycodings_npm reinstalling! Using NVM (nodejs version anycodings_npm manager) and switching to another anycodings_npm version is fast and interesting! Because anycodings_npm we can also test for VERSION HELL anycodings_npm PROBLEM!

If it works after switch! Then either anycodings_npm it's a problem with npm and a anycodings_npm reinstallation may fix it! Or it's a anycodings_npm version Hell problem (a bug)!

How to reinstall fast! Again use nvm!

nvm uninstall v15


nvm install v15

then use it

nvm use v15

You can just install another version and anycodings_npm use it! (v14 for example)

Check the VERSION HELL PROBLEM And how anycodings_npm to use nvm to switch between versions!

The uncommon or new! THE VERSIONS HELL

In this year! I encountered many nodejs anycodings_npm VERSIONS HELL problems! (I like to call anycodings_npm them that) (because i gave them a name! anycodings_npm The skies are blessing me with more) anycodings_npm (irony)

To list them quickly:

  • Node v14 HELL (POSTGRES) and causing problem for pg module (postgres) [because of breaking changes! That pg was depending on!] (if you are using knex or any orm or query builder! And use it with postgres! Big chance you'll encounter it! If you just upgrade nodejs version alone! [Solution: upgrade pg versoin to the latest (>=8.0.3) [They made a fix] (Can check a full detailed explanation here //]
  • Typescript v4 HELL! A similar problem! Where typescript in one of my project fail internally with cannot read property "" of undefined! Rolling back to v3.9 run successfully! No problem!

Fix Our problem (Cannot read property 'matches' of undefined)

If you are using node v15! Try with node anycodings_npm v14 (npm v6.14.8)! That may be it! An anycodings_npm npm bug! That's a first thought can be! anycodings_npm That what i thought at first!

That's was the case for me! In this last anycodings_npm problem! I tried all the solutions that anycodings_npm i'm familiar with! And they were already anycodings_npm listed here too! None worked! And more anycodings_npm when i removed node_modules! I was anycodings_npm Please not another version HELL! And yea anycodings_npm it was exactly that! It worked well with anycodings_npm **node v14** (npm v6.14.8). Which anycodings_npm suggest a [BUG].

Then reflecting a bit on it! It was like anycodings_npm hey! When i change the version! I'm anycodings_npm using another nodejs installation! Which anycodings_npm can just not have the problem. A problem anycodings_npm with npm structure or something and a anycodings_npm re-installation may fix it (as mentioned anycodings_npm above)!

After it ! I tried with node v15.3.0. anycodings_npm And it worked all ok! After the anycodings_npm installation was all right done! I went anycodings_npm back to node v15.0.1! And it worked anycodings_npm again! So the problem is absolutely not anycodings_npm a VERSION HELL problem

I'm still uncapable to explain what did anycodings_npm happen! But in short! Using NVM! To try anycodings_npm with another version! Is a good way to anycodings_npm go about it! You can reinstall quickly anycodings_npm the current version too!

Big Take down (for the VERSION HELL)

Starting from nodejs v14! And v15! Or anycodings_npm just generally! It's nice to be anycodings_npm skeptical about the versions! More of a anycodings_npm reason when it doesn't make sense! And anycodings_npm that's about all the problems not just anycodings_npm npm! There is so many VERSIONS HELL anycodings_npm problems! I encountred 2 up to now! anycodings_npm Being alerted to the VERSIONS HELL can anycodings_npm save you a lot of time!

How to test fast and also switch nodejs version quickly

To be fast at testing this and checking! anycodings_npm Mostly for any internal error that will anycodings_npm come! I'll google it quickly! And try anycodings_npm another version of nodejs or whatever in anycodings_npm question (ex: typescript)! I can too anycodings_npm debug (console.log) The internal file anycodings_npm where the error was thrown! And try to anycodings_npm figure out something!

But that's it! It's really interesting anycodings_npm to check for other versions! (nodejs, anycodings_npm typescript, ... [remember be skeptical anycodings_npm or alerted])

For nodejs To do it quickly:

NVM to switch quickly nodejs versions (npm)

Use NVM (nvm is a version manager for anycodings_npm node.js,)

Quick installation of version in NVM

nvm install v14

Quick switch to another node version

nvm use v14

(Check the doc for the details! And anycodings_npm installation process)

For switching and testing some npm module version (ex: typescript)

If it's a cli tool! you can install a anycodings_npm precise version globaly

npm i -g

use the @ syntax!

Once you verify and test you can switch anycodings_npm back to whatever you like!

If it's in a project! You can do the anycodings_npm same (not globally)! use the @ syntax to anycodings_npm precise the version!

npm i moduleName@<versionSpecifier>

or with saving

npm i moduleName@<versionSpecifier> --save

Version specifier use SEMVER convention anycodings_npm (//

Last tip (use npx in your scripts)

It's nice to set a version internal to anycodings_npm the project! For example

"devDependencies": { "@types/cors": "^2.8.6", "@types/gulp": "^4.0.6", "cross-env": "^6.0.3", "glob": "^7.1.6", "gulp": "^4.0.2", "nodemon": "^2.0.4", "ts-node": "^8.10.2", "typescript": "^3.9.7", // <===== Typescript version 3.9 (for this project) "jest": "^26.6.3" }

In scripts i use npx:

"scripts": { "build": "npx tsc && gulp build",

When we use npx this way with a nodjes anycodings_npm module cli tool! npx will check first if anycodings_npm the module is available in the local anycodings_npm node_modules! If found will use it (use anycodings_npm global otherwise, or Download latest and anycodings_npm run)!

So doing what i'm suggesting! Will make anycodings_npm sure your project will run independently anycodings_npm from whatever you have in global!

(Read more about npx if you don't know anycodings_npm the tool well)

Can not read the property match of undefined?

While not a root-cause solution, a workaround is: Delete node_modules and package-lock.

How do I resolve npm errors?

Did you can try it :.
Delete node_modules folder and package-json. lock..
Then run npm i..
If problem still exists repeat point 1 and go to 4 point..
Update npm with command npm i -g npm..
Run command npm cache verify and then run npm i..

Why npm install is showing error?

The npm ERR! code 1 error usually occurs when you run the npm install command. This cause of this error is that one of the dependencies you define in your package. json file fails to be installed properly on your computer.

How do you fix this is related to npm not being able to find a file?

Here are the steps to resolve this issue:.
Make sure you are using the latest npm version..
Clean your npm cache..
Delete node_modules folder and package-lock. json..
Run npm install again..


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