Norethindrone acetate and ethinyl estradiol tablets reviews reddit

Posted byu/[deleted]2 years ago

My wedding is next month and according to Clue, I’m supposed to start my period the day before my wedding :( I do not take birth control so I was looking for other ways to delay my period next month. I see some people suggesting norethisterone but does anyone have any experience taking this and can elaborate on any side effects you had? I also recently finally cleared up my skin so I’m really worried about acne breakouts being a potential side effect.

TIA!! :)

level 1

I think I've had a different experience with everyone else commenting - I used norethisterone to delay my period for a week because I was going on holiday. It's not birth control so I don't really understand the view that it'll take months to build up enough, my GP told me to take it 3 days before my period was due and it worked.

My main side effect came after I stopped taking it (I only took it for 6 days and stopped once I was home). My period after the delay was insane. Honestly, my periods are pretty heavy going most times anyway, but this was another level. It was so heavy I ended up ringing a pharmacist to make sure I wasn't going to suffer from blood loss! A week of that, and I was back to normal, but I wish I'd been warned in advance that i was going to have to clean the bathroom floor every day (possibly something to consider if you're going straight on honeymoon after, I'd continue the delay until post honeymoon).

level 2

What dose did you take to delay a period?

level 1

My first month taking it I got random break through bleeds on active pills. There's no guarantee your body will do what you want.

level 1

I also asked about this months ago, check my post history for people's comments and suggestions. I feel you though because my wedding is next month, and my period is supposed to start a few days before, and I also don't take birth control. I did consult with my ob/gyn earlier this year about using birth control to manipulate my period but ultimately decided against it because I wasn't sure how my body would react to it, I was worried about the side effects (acne, bloatedness, hormonal imbalance, random bleeding, etc), and didn't think a few months was enough time for me to experiment. It definitely sucks but I'm not sure the month leading up to your wedding is the time to try out something with your body :/

level 1

· 2 yr. agoHTX 4/4/2020 -> 9/6/2020 -> 5/8/2021

I don't think there's enough time for it to delay your period, and it can take months to actually delay/stop a period.

Also, when it comes to our cycles, apps are just guessing.

level 1

Depending on how many days your cycle is and how many days until your wedding, your cycle may have already started and there isn't much you can do. I've been using meds to delay my periods since I was 17 for health reasons, and I've found it takes about 2-3 months to have consistently no side effects or break through bleeds.

level 1

I deal with hormonal acne and like to skip my periods. I have taken certain ones that broke me out so badly, then I did a lot of research to find this combo. norethindrone/ethinyl estradiol

level 1

My wedding was this past Saturday. I was supposed to be done with my period by then so I wasn't worried. Que my wedding week and I'm 7 days late due to stress (took a pregnancy test - negative).

I called my gyn and got birth control called in (levonorgestrel/ethinyl estradiol) and started taking it Wednesday. Quit taking it Monday. Period started today.

SO worth it. But I had taken it before so I knew I don't react to it. I was so so glad I wasn't on my period when I had to have two other women go to the bathroom with me to help me pee. Idk how I would have managed my period. Have you ever taken any birth control?

Edit - fixed day I quit taking it

level 1

I started taking norethisterone 2 days before my cycle started. It delayed my period and I didn't experience any bloating, I only had mild stomach discomfort which would go away within seconds.

After stopping taking it my period began within 3 days. I never experience cramps when I am on my period but after using norethisterone my period cramps were horrible. On the first day of my period I spent the whole day tossing and turning around in my bed due to the menstrual cramps. I took dexketoprofen to ease my pain which worked for 8 hours and then the cramps came back.

As for acne I didn't see any breakouts (keep in mind that I've not experienced acne in my life and my skin type is not prone to it). I would recommend taking it but beware of the side effects. This was my second time using it, after the first time I didn't have cramps this severe.

level 2

How many pills did you take a day? I’m on the .35mg

level 2

I have a question! How did this affect your periods after? Were your periods the following months also delayed past your"usual" start time?

Does norethindrone acetate and ethinyl estradiol reviews?

Ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone has an average rating of 6.4 out of 10 from a total of 71 ratings for the treatment of Endometriosis. 48% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 25% reported a negative experience.

How long does norethindrone acetate and ethinyl estradiol take to work?

When you begin using this medicine, your body will require at least 7 days to adjust before a pregnancy will be prevented. Use a second form of contraception, such as a condom, spermicide, or diaphragm, for the first 7 days of your first cycle of pills.

What is ethinyl estradiol and norethindrone used for?

Descriptions. Ethinyl estradiol and norethindrone combination is used to prevent pregnancy. It is a birth control pill that contains two types of hormones, ethinyl estradiol and norethindrone, and when taken properly, prevents pregnancy. It works by stopping a woman's egg from fully developing each month.

Does norethindrone acetate and ethinyl estradiol cause acne?

Some of the most common are Norgestrel, Norethindrone acetate, and Levonorgestrel. It's also common for women who start taking birth control to have an initial acne flare as their bodies adjust to the hormones. After two to three months, most women find their bodies adjust to the hormones and their skin settles down.


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