My girlfriend feels looser than usual is she cheating

A male

age 26-29, anonymous writes:

Okay I'm a young male around 18-21. My girlfriend lately has been very distance and when.we do have sex she feels loser. Is this a sign she is cheating?

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A female reader, So_Very_Confused  +, writes (25 March 2012):

My first husband was HUGE I had two babies with him... (granted by C-section) and we were young so sex was frequent... I have had multiple large partners... My current partner is on the smaller side of average and I'm still too snug for him on occasions where I'm tired or stressed and not very aroused.... and I'm OLD folks... if anything was going to be stretched out it would by my 52 year old hoo-haw!

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A female reader, person12345  +, writes (25 March 2012):

My first bf was huge, my vagina never changed. If someone had a penis bigger than a fist in diameter, I suppose maybe. But a vagina can stretch to the size of a baby's head and even then it still mostly bounces back, it's completely ridiculous to think that something only a few inches in diameter could possibly stretch it out. It took me all of 30 seconds to find multiple reputable websites that talk about this, all saying NO. This is a surprisingly common thing, many men seem to think their girlfriends have become looser and assume that they've been cheating, rather than the more likely thing is that she's more comfortable with you and it translates into more arousal and relaxation. It's medical fact that it's not possible for a vagina to stretch from sex.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (24 March 2012):

This is verified as being by the original poster of the questionI believe It's true to a certain extent but I guess there's no way I could really prove so unless polygraph was involved.

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (24 March 2012):

To the original poster, I'd be surprised if she's looser from cheating. For one thing, there just aren't that many guys with truely huge "members". Statistically, it's highly unlikely, expecially if there aren't any other signs of cheating. However, to those who say that a large man can't permanently stretch a vagina, there seems to be quite a bit evedence to the contrary. Her'e and example of an older post on this topic "I had to chime in on this one... I was very much in love with my boyfriend Joseph and we had a very active and wonderful sex life but eventually we broke up due to hundreds of miles put between us. Needless to say I started dating again and one day I became serious with another man,... he was overly endowed. 8 1/2 long and about the size of my fist. It was REALLY painful. He was to long AND to wide. I read on the internet that I would get used to it blah blahh blahh, but I never really did. he was always bottoming me out and ripping me apart. Months went by before I realized this was just NOT going to work. Any way... to make a long story short ill skip a few months when well you guessed it Joseph moved out by me. Now here comes the part that's kind of hard to talk about...We had sex again and now I seam to open up way to far and he has trouble feeling me inside. I made a horrible mistake. Girls if it looks to big and he's hurting you STOP! So far as I can tell there is NO WAY back to the way it was with Joesph when the sex was wonderful. We have tried everything we could think of aside from surgery. I see all over the internet people telling each other how big of a penis some guys have and how great a big one is but its a bunch of BS. Pick a guy to love that is compatible with you physically and you will be happy forever. To big can damage you permanently. I even had a good time with guys that were really small,.. but to big? Never again."

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A female reader, Honeypie  + , writes (24 March 2012):

Yea it doesn't work like that, unless she had a baby and gave vaginal birth the vagina itself wouldn't "just" become loose. Just like a guys junk doesn't get bigger if he is with a woman who have "bigger" inside measurements. It might feel more loose because she is more aroused (more wet) or she is very relaxed with you.

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A female reader, CindyCares  +, writes (24 March 2012):

Vaginas " adjust " in the sense that they are extremely elastic organs, how do you think otherwise a baby's head could pass through there without breaking everything to smithereens ?... But, precisely because they are , at least in young women, so very elastic, supple and strong, they go back to their shape when the extraneous object ceases its interfering action :)- otherwise , sticking to the childbirth example, after a chilbirth all that would be left of the poor woman would be a huge gaping hole down there. OP, I can understand that maybe you skipped your sex ed classes, or never had an interest for anatomy, but still, if you use your common sense, you'll see that your worries just come from misinformation and paranoia.

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A female reader, So_Very_Confused  +, writes (24 March 2012):

when the vagina is NOT aroused the walls collapse on itself so that even a pinky finger will be tight... it's a muscle not magic.

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A female reader, person12345  +, writes (24 March 2012):

"Whenever there is a penis size discussion I hear women say their vaginas do adjust to fit a new guy's penis." No, vaginas just don't work like that. They change size on a minute by minute hour by hour basis having to do with arousal (or going into labor) but they don't stretch or shrink on a penis by penis basis. Your penis doesn't change to fit a vagina, so why would a vagina change? I've never heard such a thing mentioned during those discussions (there are numerous penis size questions) and I've been on this site for over 2 years now.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (24 March 2012):

This is verified as being by the original poster of the questionAgreed

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (24 March 2012):

Whenever there is a penis size discussion I hear women say their vaginas do adjust to fit a new guy's penis.

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A female reader, person12345  +, writes (24 March 2012):

The only two reasons for a change are either she's given birth vaginally recently or she's more turned on. Have you asked her why you barely see her anymore?

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A female reader, shrodingerscat  +, writes (24 March 2012):

A man having sex multiple times with multiple women doesn't make his penis bigger. Why would you think that a woman's vagina can be affected, then? It makes absolutely zero sense. Maybe your penis shrunk, and that's why she feels looser. It makes just as much sense as your theory.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (23 March 2012):

This is verified as being by the original poster of the questionIt just seem like when we dont have sex for a while she's real tight but when we have sex a lot she looser. But I have not been seeing her recently so It's making me question her faithfulness.

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A female reader, person12345  +, writes (23 March 2012):

It doesn't work like that... If she seems distant, you should address that but no, the tightness of her vagina is not an indicator.

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A female reader, Lucky786  +, writes (23 March 2012):

I don't think it is but because you feel she is becoming distant from you, you think she must be cheating and in your head she feels loose. It's a vicious circle. You should talk to her and find out why she has become distant.

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How do you know if your girlfriend cheated?

10 Signs Your Girlfriend Is Cheating On You.
She pays more attention to her phone than you. ... .
She's less interested in sex. ... .
Her social calendar is suddenly bursting at the seams. ... .
She accumulating new clothes at higher rates than usual. ... .
She's overly concerned with your whereabouts. ... .
She isn't making plans for the future..

How do you approach a cheating girlfriend?

First, take a deep breath and evaluate the information you have. ... .
Ask yourself what kind of outcome you want. ... .
Figure out what details you want to know and what details you don't. ... .
Plan an appropriate time and place for the conversation to occur. ... .
Try to listen to what your partner has to say about why they cheated..

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