Look up people by social security number

Social Search instantly matches and retrieves the latest consumer identification information reported on the input Social Security number from Experian's File OneSM database.

Find people who have changed their names or moved without leaving a forwarding address with Experian's Social Security database search logic.

Generally, the number is handy in providing the benefits issued by the U.S Government to its citizens. However, you can use the number to get information about the person. The number may be a key to identifying the general location of the holder. It is safe to say that SSN is the treasure trove of information about the holder.

To cite the importance of SSN as just the number for verification of identity would be an understatement. This is because nearly every critical document requires the customer to apply with their SSN. Thus if a person needs to find someone using SSN, it would be plausible for him to do so in few different ways.

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  • 1 5 Ways to Find Someone Using Social Security Number
    • 1.1 Filing a Formal Request at Social Security Administration
    • 1.2 Checking the status of websites
    • 1.3 Using a Private Investigator
    • 1.4 Personal Digging
    • 1.5 Formal Petition from Court
  • 2 Conclusion

5 Ways to Find Someone Using Social Security Number

There are usually five ways to trace or find a person using the SSN. The following methods do them.

Filing a Formal Request at Social Security Administration

This method is a tricky one. The Social Security Administration has the provision to find or locate the person using the SSN. The case in which such requests are granted is rare. Usually, in case of a dead person, the administration provides the location. In the most unusual of the cases, a living person’s information is disclosed to other people.

Social Security Administration

This provision is by Right to Information Act under U.S Constitution. U.S constitution bars any disclosure of information of its citizens. Unless there is a written consent from the person in motion or when there is an explicit directive from the Executive Wing of the Government.

Checking the status of websites

This is the common resort that you can take when the authority does not help you. There are consultancy websites that charge a small fee for their service. These consultancy websites have the resources to tally the required Social security number with their database.

They then verify the results, and the estimated location of the person is determined. These websites have the provision of finding the person based on their recent activity, so it is safe to assume that their database has an exhaustive collection of information.

Using a Private Investigator

The far-fetched method of finding a person with their Social Security Number is by using the Private Investigator. The tendency of these investigators is that they tend to do their job very well if you provide them with enough money.

Private Investigator

This asserts the fact that if all resorts are failed, then there is going to be a right amount of money involved to find the person. It should be taken care that Private Investigators are human after all so it would be wrong to assume that they are the definite answer to find the person in context.

Personal Digging

This is a very long shot method of finding the desired person. If you don’t have enough money to pay a Private Investigator or the Consultancy websites for Social Security Number, then you can do the personal digging to find the person you want all by yourself. This would require a great deal of will and dedication. The personal digging would involve you searching through the earlier contacts of the person.

Then using the contacts we get the latest transactions from his cards. The records which we can get using the SSN from the card issuing bank. This process is long and arduous, so it is not advisable to use this. But if there is no other alternative, and you need to find the person dearly then maybe some effort from your side could bring some result.

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Formal Petition from Court

This is one of the unlikeliest of events that can occur. However, for the sake of the list of Social Security Number, we are going to consider this. According to the law of U.S.A, a written order from the court can grant the person close to the person in context to receive the information about the body of the person in context.


In simple words, if you need to find that the person is alive or not. Then you can appeal the court. The court, accordingly, would identify the person in context with the name and location. This is a sporadic occurrence. This is usually seen in case of soldiers or veterans of war. The relatives or family make the appeals in dire circumstances.

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With this, we come to the end of the article. I have tried to corporate as many ways as possible to find the person using their Social Security Number. The list should give you a bright idea that the location of the person depending on the Social Security Number is challenging. There are various lengthy processes to go through and many papers to fill. However, if the person is willing to go through this, he may find the result.

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Kaushal Malkan


You can always find me playing the piano or playing FIFA when I'm not binge-watching TV Series with pizzas. Fountainhead of TechWhoop. Life motto: The only time success comes before work is in the dictionary.


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