Liquid fence deer and rabbit repellent safe for vegetables

4 eggs image by timur1970 from <a href='//'></a>

According to the Liquid Fence Company, its product, Liquid Fence, prevents deer and rabbits from invading home gardens. Liquid Fence is a spray repellent that is used every two weeks to keep wildlife away from flowers, trees and vegetable gardens. The company states that the ingredients in Liquid Fence are natural, safe for the environment, biodegradable and nontoxic.


Rotten eggs are a main ingredient in Liquid Fence. The strong, putrid smell is a natural repellent to animals. Deer and rabbits smell the eggs up to two weeks after the smell dissipates. The egg solids in Liquid Fence are environmentally safe.

  • According to the Liquid Fence Company, its product, Liquid Fence, prevents deer and rabbits from invading home gardens.

According to a study conducted by the Auburn University Deer Pen Facility, the most effective products for repelling deer are putrescent egg solids.


garlic image by Marek Kosmal from <a href='//'></a>

Garlic is a natural plant ingredient in Liquid Fence. Its strong odor repels both animals and insects. Garlic is nontoxic to both humans and wildlife. A study by the Auburn University Deer Pen Facility states that garden treatments using garlic as an animal deterrent provided some protection from feeding but were not as effective as egg solids.

Kelp (Ecklonia Maxima)

In a report by the Geographic Information Systems and Science, beach kelp varieties Ecklonia maxima and Laminaria pallidahas have been used as fertilizer since the 1950s in South Africa. Kelp, an ingredient in Liquid Fence, is a natural fertilizer for home gardens.

  • According to a study conducted by the Auburn University Deer Pen Facility, the most effective products for repelling deer are putrescent egg solids.

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate

Oregon State University’s College of Health and Human Sciences states that raw foods are treated with detergents made with sodium lauryl sulfate and the chemical is also an additive in toothpaste, dried eggs and used in cake mixes as a whipping aid.

Potassium Sorbate

This Liquid Fence ingredient prevents the growth of mold and fungus in the product. It is a natural preservative used in foods for human consumption.

A study by Science Direct reported that potassium sorbate is used to prevent decay in citrus fruit after harvesting. Its low sodium and pH levels make it the preferred preservative over sodium bicarbonate because disposal of the chemical has fewer regulations.


limes image by Gabriel Rosca from <a href='//'></a>

The acidity and aroma of lime juice is a natural animal repellent.


Water is added to Liquid Fence to help dissolve the ingredients and to make the product thin enough to spray in garden areas.

  • Oregon State University’s College of Health and Human Sciences states that raw foods are treated with detergents made with sodium lauryl sulfate and the chemical is also an additive in toothpaste, dried eggs and used in cake mixes as a whipping aid.

Gardeners are willing to share, but not to the extent that hungry critters such as deer and rabbits think they should. Among the best rabbit repellent products are Liquid Fence and the discontinued Liquid Fence Plus, developed to keep these nibblers away from garden plants. The ingredients are eco-friendly, biodegradable and won’t harm kids, pets, plants or wildlife. However, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources recommends that Liquid Fence not be sprayed directly on edibles.

Liquid Fence Ingredients

Liquid Fence concentrate contains 24.65 percent putrescent egg solids and 2.96 percent garlic, which produce an odor disagreeable to rabbits and deer. It also contains 0.61 percent sodium lauryl sulfate, a wetting and thickening agent commonly used in beauty products; and 0.49 percent potassium sorbate, a natural preservative, as active ingredients. Its inactive ingredients are water and xanthan gum, used as a sticking agent.

Liquid Fence products include ready-to-use sprays and granular products for a variety of wild and domesticated animals. The various formulations discourage deer and rabbits, moles, geese and cats and dogs. There is also an all-purpose formulation for general use. The snake repellent is a granular product designed to discourage snakes by interfering with the reptiles' senses of taste and smell.

Liquid Fence Plus Ingredients

While Liquid Fence Plus has been discontinued by the manufacturer, you may still have some on the shelf in the garage. According to the Liquid Fence FAQs page, as long as Liquid Fence products look and smell the same as in previous seasons, they should work. In any case, if in doubt, throw it out.

Liquid Fence Plus contained the same ingredients as Liquid Fence, with the addition of Speedy Grow, a natural fertilizer made from seaweed. Speedy Grow’s ingredients include kelp extract, water, hydrogen peroxide and acetic acid. Speedy Grow, made from organic kelp (​Ecklonia maxima​), triggers increased root production and subsequent top growth because it delivers auxins, or plant growth hormones, to the plant’s root system.

How They Work

Instead of a spray that makes plants taste bad to rabbits and deer, Liquid Fence and Liquid Fence Plus repel these creatures by using a scent that kindles fear a predator is nearby. According the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, odors that induce fear and send deer and rabbits scampering away contain sulfurous scents, hence the putrefied eggs used as the main ingredient in Liquid Fence and Liquid Fence Plus. When using liquid fence granular vs liquid products, the granular repellents often are applied as a perimeter around planted areas, but applying the liquid directly to plants seems to be most effective.

While effective in outdoor settings, avoid using these products indoors or when attempting to repel predators, such as raccoons. The strong scent of the repellents are not appropriate for use inside the home. In the case of Liquid Fence vs Repels-All, a Bonide product, Liquid Fence is specific to herbivores while Repels-All is formulated to also repel raccoons, skunks and other wildlife.

Timing of Applications

Before using any repellent or fertilizer product, put on safety goggles, a mask and gloves to protect your eyes, lungs and skin. Keep children and pets out of the garden while applying the product and until the spray is completely dry. Store Liquid Fence products indoors where temperatures remain between 40 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Shake thoroughly before using.

To discourage deer and rabbits from beating a path to your plants, begin applying Liquid Fence or Liquid Fence Plus before damage begins. You want to stop these uninvited guests from even thinking about tasting your tulips. Spray plants and their perimeter during dry weather, repeating the spray one week later, and then respray every month. For heavy infestations, spray weekly for three weeks and then monthly.

If you are using Liquid Fence Plus, the manufacturer recommends spraying twice a month to encourage a lush garden that is also safe from deer and rabbits. Reapply after heavy rain.

Can Liquid Fence deer and Rabbit Repellent be used on vegetable gardens?

Liquid Fence Granular Deer & Rabbit Repellent Help - Questions and Answers - The directions say product can be used around plants, but nothing about vegetables, specifically tomatoes. This product cannot be used around edibles but can be placed 4-5 feet away from the vegetable garden as a barrier.

Is Liquid Fence safe on vegetables?

Liquid Fence, a commercially available repellent that has worked to keep hungry critters from grazing on trees and shrubs, is now labeled safe for vegetables.

Can you spray deer and rabbit repellent on vegetable plants?

Answer: Liquid Fence Deer Rabbit Repellent RTU should not be sprayed on edibles as the taste of the active can linger. It is recommended that you spray the foliage around the garden to keep deer and rabbits away.

Can you use deer repellent on vegetables?

Repellents won't just repel the deer, but you too by making the plants and their fruits or vegetables taste bad. (If you can avoid the fruit or the vegetable, you can spray the rest of the plant and not damage the food.) When applying deer repellents, always read the product label.


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