How to stop a crack in your windshield from spreading

Cracks in your windshield are a huge pain, even if they’re just a little chip on the passenger side.

Most of the time, we just end up trying to ignore them. After all, many times it’s just a little crack, and you can see just fine.

1 million windshields are replaced every year in Canada. Unless you get the crack inspected right away, it could spread and cause irreparable damage. Your windshield could become one of the million that have to be replaced.

If you do get a crack, keep it from spreading by using these tips.

1. Protect Your Windshield from the Elements

Mother Nature can be rough on cars. Changes in temperature, exposure to sun, and even wind could cause the crack to expand.

The best way to stop the windshield crack from spreading is to park your car inside or under protective covering. This will offer some extra protection until you can get a repair appointment.

2. Use Super Glue or Nail Polish as a Temporary Fix

There are two products that could work as a temporary fix until you can get to a repair shop. These household products should only be used to stop a windshield crack from spreading if the crack is small.

Superglue: Very gently apply the glue in an even layer over the crack. Wait for it to completely dry before using your car.

Clear Nail Polish: Clear nail polish can work in a similar way to superglue. Clean away any dust and dirt that has gotten into the crack before applying a generous amount to both the inside and outside of your windshield. Let dry completely before moving your car.

It’s important to note that these are very temporary measures, and are an extra precaution you can take before bringing your car in for a professional appointment.

3. Call Someone to Come and Take a Look

That’s all well and good for small chips and cracks, but what about larger cracks that impair your visibility?

At this point you shouldn’t even drive your car to the repair shop. Instead, put in a call and have someone come to you and take a look.

Chances are if you’ve been hit by flying debris, ice, or even an animal, your windshield has many cracks and isn’t safe to drive.

We have a tow service available 24/7 to anyone in the Ottawa Valley, no matter the problem. Our hotline number is 613-728-1908. We recommend saving this number in your phone in case you need it.

4. Get a Silicone Fill from Us

The best way to stop a windshield crack from spreading is to have it repaired as quickly as possible.

In many cases, a small crack or chip can be easily repaired. At Bemac, we use a silicone fill that is almost invisible to the eye. This gives you back your visibility, and prevents more extensive damage. After we make the repair, we’ll give you recommendations for next steps.

If the crack is overly large or complex, a windshield replacement may be the only option. We provide replacement windshield and installation services right on site.

Without a Repair, Cracks Can Spread and Put You in Danger

Whether it’s a repair or replacement, the most important thing when you get a crack in your windshield is to take action.

Your windshield doesn’t just help you see – it helps protect you on the road. Those two layers of glass and polyvinyl are responsible for the structural integrity of your roof, support passenger airbags, and protect you if you’re thrown forward.

A crack compromises your safety and the safety of those traveling with you. And that’s the last thing you want.

Make an appointment with us to have the crack in your windshield examined as soon as possible. We’ll get you back on the road as soon and as safely as possible.

Book a Windshield Appointment

To stop a crack from getting worse, the first step to take is preventing stressors, such as water, dirt, or other debris to enter the crack. By using clear tape, you can help keep the crack lean in normal driving conditions, but it won’t hold up under severe weather or a car wash.

Although professionals can provide windshield chip and crack repair services, there are many situations that can be handled easily with a DIY approach, all you need is the correct materials and some patience. Below are some other methods for keeping cracks from spreading.

1.   Buy a Windshield Repair Kit

To repair a crack yourself, first go to your local auto part store and get a windshield repair kit. While there are different kits, they usually contain a specialized resin and an adaptor. The resin gets forced in the crack and seals it from outside debris and elements. This reduces stressors on the glass while preventing additional spreading. Bore a small hole through the top layer of glass at one end of the crack, using a 1/16-inch drill bit. Then, force the resin from the repair kit into the seam.

2.   Hold Glass in Place with Super Glue

If the imperfection is tiny, you can use standard cyanoacrylate glue, more commonly known as Super Glue. You can apply it by forcing it into the crack, or by scratching spreading in an even layer. Once dried, it will help keep both sides of the crack together, and reduces additional spreading.

3.   Nail Polish for a Temporary Fix

There have been some who reported being successful with clear acrylic nail polish as a temporary fix. First, clean the debris from the crack, and liberally apply nail polish to both the inside and outside of the crack, and the outer areas where cracks could spread. This can help hold glass together for a short period, giving time to schedule with a repair shop. Don’t forget, both the Super Glue and nail polish techniques are short-term, temporary corrections to give you time to get a professional inspection.

4.   Park in the Shade

The summer heat can quickly increase the temperature within your car, which increases the pressure on your windshield. Although, there are other factors that can increase the risk of spreading, such as rain and wind of severe weather, and the weight of snow. By parking in the shade, you will lower the impact of temperature change, and other factors. When possible, parking inside a garage will help by lowering the stress on the cracked windshield.

5.   Get Expert Advice

It is important that you speak with a windshield repair expert, as they have the required knowledge, experience, tools, and materials to assist with temporarily repairing your cracked windshield. They may have the ability to preserve the cracks size, to make it look smaller than it really is as well.

6.   Hiring a Professional

After assessing the crack, if it was determined a DIY repair kit would not be enough to repair the crack and keep it from spreading, you should give us a call and T&S Autoglass! Our professionals are on hand to help you repair or replace your windshield to get you safely back on the road!

  • It is best if you take action sooner, rather than later when it comes to a cracked windshield. A complex crack or imperfection over 6-inches can impact visibility, and lower the windshields overall strength. You should not wait until the crack is larger.
  • In addition, the smaller the crack is, the easier and cheaper it will be to correct. By waiting too long to have it repaired, the issue could get worse. If a crack gets to a point where it is not able to be repaired, it will require replacing the whole windshield.

Dangers of Windshield Cracks

It is common for drivers to consider a cracked windshield as a simple annoyance, and the problem does not get the deserved attention it needs. It is recommended by both safety experts and traffic officials to take corrective action right away.

  • In addition to giving protection against road debris and other elements as you drive, the windshield has a major safety role in accidents. Its role is to direct impact force during front-end collisions down to the chassis, this is referred to as the forward crumple zone. It is designed to minimize the effect an impact has on the vehicles interior, providing protection for passengers.
  • In the case of a collision, a chipped or cracked windshield is not able to provide the full protection as designed. Because of this, there are many state inspection facilities which do not pass vehicles that have a windshield with a crack over a specific area or size. This helps ensure the correct visibility and safety. Although, a small crack does not require the windshield to be replaced.
  • By taking action quickly, you can save money, prevent damages from getting worse, and remain on the road safely.

How long does it take for a crack in a windshield to spread?

In one day, these cracks will start spreading on a microscopic level. Within a few days, you will see marked differences in the crack with the naked eye.

Why does my windshield crack keeps spreading?

Auto glass expands and contracts when exposed to temperature fluctuations, and when that happens, an existing windshield crack can easily spread. To prevent that from occurring, try your best to keep your windshield out of direct sunlight and avoid exposing it to freezing temperatures as well.

Does heat or cold make windshield cracks spread?

Unfortunately, both hot and cold weather can put a lot of stress on your windshield, even causing it to eventually crack. These cracks spread more quickly with extreme temperatures, causing further damage to auto glass.

How do I make my windshield crack go away?

Start by mixing ½ cup of water, 1 tablespoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of bug spray and 1 tablespoon of rubbing alcohol together in a bowl. Mix them together until the salt is completely dissolved. Take your sponge and dip it in your solution, then apply it along the crack and let it dry for about 2 hours.


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