How to remove label glue from metal

To remove a sticker from stainless steel, start by soaking a soft cloth in mineral, baby, or olive oil. Next, dab the oil directly on the sticker and let it sit for 5 minutes to dislodge the sticker from the surface. Then, wipe the area with the oil-soaked cloth to remove the sticker and any adhesive it left behind. Be sure to wipe with the grain to prevent surface damage! If you want to try something else, saturate the sticker with rubbing alcohol and let it soak for 5 minutes. Then, scrub the sticker with a paper towel to remove it from the surface. To learn more, like how to polish the steel after you remove the sticker, keep reading the article!

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Once you peel off an adhesive-back sticker or label from a surface, you might be stuck with some gluey, gummy gunk left behind. And sometimes, it can be downright stubborn to remove. Figuring out how to get rid of sticker residue isn't difficult, but if you're tempted to scrape the spot with a putty knife or metal blade, don't. These cleaning tools might scratch the surface below the gunk. Instead, follow these tips to learn how to get sticker residue off glass, plastic, wood, and even clothing using products you have around the house to safely soften and remove the stuff.

Jason Donnelly

Before you begin, try to get as much of the sticker residue off with your fingers as possible. Simply roll the sticky adhesive into balls with your fingertips and pluck them off. If you're removing tape residue from clothing, do not wash or dry the garment before the stickiness is gone. The stain will be tougher to remove if it has been through a drying cycle.

How to Remove Sticker Residue

Once you've removed as much as you can by hand, use one of the following methods to remove any sticker residue that remains. One word of caution: With all of these methods, test the surface in an inconspicuous area to make sure it won't stain or cause other damage.

Jason Donnelly

Plastic Scraper

While metal blades might scratch the surface you're trying to save, a plastic scraper (such as the edge of an old gift card) or the blade of a plastic knife can be safely used to scrape the adhesive from many surfaces without scratching. Other options include wiping the spot with the scratchy side of a sponge or rubbing the debris away with a rubber eraser. This works well to get sticker residue off plastic, but if you're not careful, it may scratch a glass surface.

Hot Water

Put a few drops of dish detergent into a sink or container full of hot water and immerse the item (if practical) into the water to soak until the residue softens. Scrape away the gunk with a plastic scraper or your fingers. Cold water will not remove sticker residue as effectively as hot water.


One of the best tools to remove sticker residue is in your bathroom. Aim a hair dryer at the sticker residue, turn it on, and allow the hot air to loosen the adhesive. Scrape to remove.

Jason Donnelly

Rubbing Alcohol or Vodka

If you want to know how to get sticker residue off plastic, wood, or glass, rubbing alcohol is an effective solvent that's safe for most surfaces. Vodka is a good substitute. Wet a paper towel or clean rag with rubbing alcohol, and rub the residue to lift it off. For stubborn stickers, lay an alcohol-soaked rag on the area, and let it sit for several minutes to soften the residue. Use the rag to rub off what's left behind.

Peanut Butter

If you want to get sticker residue off wood, glass, or plastic, dab peanut butter on the spot and let it sit until the sticker residue softens. Use a clean rag to lift off the peanut butter as well as the residue.


The lubricant spray WD-40 ($6, The Home Depot) has a lot of uses throughout the home, and removing sticker residue is one of them. Spritz the solution onto the sticker spot and let it sit for several minutes. Then use a rag to wipe away the residue.

Jason Donnelly

Canola Oil or Olive Oil

Applying cooking oil can help soften sticker residue. Scrape away the remainder with your fingers, a plastic scraper, or a plastic knife. You can also try rubbing with a clean rag. After the sticker residue has been removed, simply wipe away the excess oil.

Distilled White Vinegar

Learning how to remove sticker residue with household items can save you money. Soak a rag or paper towel in vinegar and lay across the sticky area. Let it soak for a few minutes to soften the residue, then wipe or scrape to remove. Plus, you can use vinegar to clean all around the house.

Rubber Eraser

Erasers aren't just useful for errant pencil marks. You can also use a rubber eraser to remove sticker residue from most surfaces. The rubber surface will roll the residue away.

Commercial Cleaners

A few commercial products, such as Goo Gone ($6, Walmart), are formulated to remove sticker residue. Follow the manufacturer's directions, but in most cases, you apply the product to the residue, let it sit, then scrape or wipe with a rag to remove.

Jason Donnelly

How to Get Sticker Residue Off Clothing

To remove sticker residue from clothing, try to remove the sticker as soon as possible, and don't run it through your dryer. But accidents happen, so if you're dealing with dried-on sticker residue on clothing, try these methods. Remember to experiment on an inconspicuous spot first.

After you've picked off as much sticker residue as possible with your fingers, your next strategy depends on whether the clothing item is made of natural fibers or synthetics. You can get rid of sticker residue on clothing made of natural fibers by rubbing the spot with acetone (or nail polish remover) applied to a clean cloth. Wash and dry the item as you would normally.

To get rid of sticker residue on clothing made of synthetics, place the item in the freezer for 45 to 90 minutes. Pull the clothing out, and immediately pluck off as many of the hardened bits as possible. Then moisten the spot with water, add a drop or two of mild dish soap, and rub the remainder of the sticker residue off using a microfiber cloth. Wash and dry the clothing item as you would normally.

How do you remove sticky labels from metal without scratching?

Try this: Use an old credit card to scrape off as much of the label as possible. Apply a water displacement product (e.g. spray lubricant) to a dry cloth and rub away until all the gooey residue has gone. Warm the metal surface with a hairdryer and the residue may simply wipe away with a cloth.

What removes label glue?

Rubbing Alcohol or Vodka If you want to know how to get sticker residue off plastic, wood, or glass, rubbing alcohol is an effective solvent that's safe for most surfaces. Vodka is a good substitute. Wet a paper towel or clean rag with rubbing alcohol, and rub the residue to lift it off.

How do you remove dried adhesive from metal?

To remove adhesive residue from metal, you should try using rubbing alcohol, or isopropyl, first. Apply with a cotton ball and let it soak in. Most adhesives will break down on contact, and rubbing alcohol won't damage metal surfaces. If that doesn't work, baby oil is another useful alternative.

How do you remove label glue from stainless steel?

We have found that this is the most effective method to remove sticky label residue from stainless steel pans and utensils. Begin by rubbing either mineral oil, baby oil or olive oil onto the residue with a cloth. Allow the oil to soak into the label - between five and 10 minutes should do the trick.


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