How to make an australian flag banner in minecraft

u/SwagStev3 Jul 16 '22

Hey, at least it's better than what you could do with one banner

u/NotBailey12 Jul 16 '22

Yea I got offended when I saw that (I'm Aussie and I love my country like a greedy guy with gold) so I made this

u/[deleted] Jul 16 '22

What city are you from broski?

u/NotBailey12 Jul 16 '22

I don't live in a city but I was born in Sydney

u/[deleted] Jul 16 '22

Ah cool, I love the outback. I live in Perth. Pretty nice city but so far away from everything!!

u/ADHDANDACID Jul 16 '22

Cool trick I found out at some point was that you can place banners just one block below the upper one, only half of the lower banner will be visible but it looks more connected than this.

u/CanadianKumlin Jul 16 '22

Some blue concrete behind would fill the gaps nicely and make it look more connected! Nice work on the banners though

u/[deleted] Jul 16 '22

Blue blocks behind it will look better

u/Logic_Lark Jul 16 '22

Damn, a lot of negativity here. I think it is a great attempt with the tools you have at hand.

u/non-banana Jul 16 '22

Banner designing can be really hard, especially with complicated flags, so I think they did a great job.

u/yeetus-deletus00185 Jul 18 '22

It may stem from a misunderstanding. The accidental white lines going through the middle resemble the Australian Colonial flag. Which is often waved at right-wing protests in Australia

u/123Veen321 Jul 16 '22

If you're really committed to it, use maps and build the flag (entire or parts of it) to have the gaps in between the flag removed and have way more detailed.

u/bigbillybeans07 Jul 16 '22

I won’t lie and says it’s the best flag ever, but considering it’s done with banners, and banners are hard to make proper flags with, I think it’s pretty good. Nice rep for our nation!

u/Rimtato Jul 16 '22

I think it might be possible to use 3 banners horizontal, but I'm probably wrong

u/TheRegalDev Jul 16 '22

The union jack in the corner should have the red and white x behind the +

u/NotBailey12 Jul 16 '22

u/TheRegalDev Jul 16 '22

As you can see in this link, //, the union jack banner is slightly different. Only the horizontal and vertical lines touch, not the vertical, horizontal, and diagonal. But other than that, it looks really good.

u/NotBailey12 Jul 16 '22

That's the same banner only dark cuz of the type of day

u/TheRegalDev Jul 16 '22

There need to be more white lines. You need to construct the banner as white cross, red cross, then white plus, red plus. Not white cross, white plus, red cross, red plus.

u/DireMacrophage Jul 16 '22

Pretty sure there are enough fascists in this country that you should genuinely buy yourself a taser and pepper spray.

It's like posting a home-made portrait of Mohammad.

(Actually, I like that as a trap. Lure nationalist/fundamentalist idiots into a trap, then flood the room with nitrogen.) [Damn! Now I have to find something other than nitrogen!}

u/Danplays642 . Jul 17 '22

Mojang really needs to make it that you can make flags like this with one banner instead of four. But nonetheless, this is still pretty cool.

u/theQuadron Jul 17 '22

You should change the background to blue concrete, but otherwise the banners themselves are good

u/Steel6W Aug 22 '22

u/NotBailey12 Aug 22 '22

The single banner ones are like every other single banner Australian flag. Shit. Also I can't edit this post so I can't fix the union jack and I already knew this I've been told already how to make a correct one maybe next time look at the comments

u/Steel6W Aug 22 '22

Wow, that was a rude response. Here I was just trying to be helpful, and you decide to berate me for the in game banner limitations and not reading the entire 200 comment thread. lol, try being a little nicer.

u/markgatty Jul 16 '22

I'm offended?

Not sure what to say but I didn't know what I was looking at to begin with and had to actually look up what my own flag looks like.

u/_pleeb Jul 16 '22

It looks pretty good for minecraft banner standards. If it was horizontal I think it would be much easier to tell what it is

What does the Australian flag look like?

The flag has three elements on a dark blue background: the Union Jack, the Commonwealth Star and the Southern Cross. The Union Jack in the upper left corner acknowledges the history of British settlement. Below the Union Jack is a white Commonwealth star.


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