How to get someones facebook page taken down

Reasons for Permanently Deleting 🗑 Someone's Facebook Account

There are a few different reasons you may wish to delete someones Facebook account permanently (Of course since we are using the word 'someone's' we can assume it is not your own Facebook account you want to permanently delete and remove) ...

  • The person is a relative or friend who has passed away.
  • Revenge.

If the reason you wish to delete someone's Facebook account is revenge then I would suggest using a proxy server or taking your laptop with you out of town and use someone else's internet connection. I am sure if you delete someone's Facebook account and it pisses them off enough they could make some sort of legal trouble so proceed at your own risk.

In a nutshell, report to Facebook that the person whose Facebook account you want deleted has passed away. It's that simple. Here is how to do that:

  1. Create online obituaries for the person whose Facebook account you wish to permanently delete.
  2. Go to the Facebook Memorialization Request page and fill it out. If this link is no longer valid please report it to us. Note that on the Memorialization Request page itself Facebook states: Memorializing an account will do things like keep the account secure by preventing anyone from logging into it. In other words, once you successfully do this, the person will no longer be able to log into their Facebook account.
  3. In the Memorialization Request page, fill out the following details:
    • Who the person is. Begin typing their name and a Facebook auto complete dropdown will begin showing Facebook members who match what you are typing. Select the appropriate Facebook account once it appears from the dropdown list.
    • Select the date they passed away. You can select any recent date from the past.
    • You will then need to provide some sort of image or document proof of the persons death. Things get a little tricky here but I will show you how to pull this off below.
    • Provide an email address for Facebook to contact you. Again, if you are doing this out of spite you want to use some sort of email account not linked to you. A good choice is Proton Mail which is a secure and encrypted email service located in Switzerland.

How To Delete Someones Facebook Account Memorialization Request Form.

How To Delete Someones Facebook Account Memorialization Request Form.

After you have finished filling out the form, click the Send button and wait a couple of days to get a consolation email from Facebook. From that point on, that Facebook account will not be able to be logged into by anyone.

How to Provide Proof the Person Whose Facebook Account you Wish to Delete 🗑 has Passed Away

  1. Go to Google and type in the following search: Obituary for [persons name whose Facebook account you want deleted], obviously replacing [persons name whose Facebook account you want deleted] with the actual persons name. If you can locate an obituary for a person with the same name in the same state as the person whose Facebook account you want deleted, that would be perfect, but if you can only find an obituary for the persons name in another state, that should still work.
  2. Take a screenshot of the obituary page and save it somewhere on your computer.
  3. Select that image for the Choose Files button on the Facebook Memorialization Request form.

Facebook is a social networking website that connects friends and families from all over the world. However, Facebook also has a use for a small business; Facebook can connect you with your customers, your employees, your clients and other businesses. In addition, many businesses now use Facebook for things that you normally would need a public relations company for. Product announcements, product recalls and special deals can all be announced on your Facebook page. If you have noticed one of your employees or clients has disappeared from your Facebook page, there is a chance that they have blocked their profile or deleted it. You can view a blocked profile using two methods.

Viewing a Blocked Profile When You Know The URL

  1. Log out of your Facebook account.

  2. Click the address bar at the top of the screen. Erase any Web address that is currently listed.

  3. Enter the URL of the Facebook account that you suspect has blocked you. The URL looks like this: "," where "name" is replaced with the account you are checking. If you do not know the URL, there is no way to find it.

  4. Press "Enter" to view that person's Facebook page. If the person's Facebook page appears, that person has blocked you. If you receive a Facebook error, the account is deleted.

Viewing A Blocked Profile If You Don't Have The URL

  1. Log out of your Facebook account.

  2. Navigate to any search engine.

  3. Enter the name of the person or business you are trying to find. Try "name facebook" and replace "name" with the name of the person or business. While you can block someone on Facebook, you cannot block them from viewing your page from an outside source.

  4. Scroll through the found entries. If you find their Facebook account, it is a sign that they blocked you. If the account does not appear at all, they have deleted their account.

How do I take someone else's Facebook page off?

To unfriend someone's profile:.
Tap at the top of Facebook..
Go to that profile by typing their profile name into the search bar at the top..
Tap below the cover photo..
Tap Unfriend, then tap OK..

How many reports are needed to delete a Facebook account?

There is no fixed number mentioned officially. It depends on the severity of the case and the authenticity of the report. Sometimes even one genuine report can make Facebook delete an account and that too within 24 hours. At other times, it may take a few more days and a series of reports.

Can a Facebook page be taken down?

Profiles that don't follow our Community Standards or go against our Terms of Service may be removed from Facebook. Make sure you only add admins that you know and trust to manage your Page. Regularly check to see all the Pages you manage and remove yourself from any Pages you no longer actively manage.

How do I delete someone else's Facebook page 2022?

How to Delete a Facebook Page on
Go to the page you want to delete and select Settings from the left menu..
Choose the General tab. Scroll down to Remove Page and select Edit..
Select Delete page name..
Select Delete in the window that opens..


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