How much does an ophthalmologist make per cataract surgery


Avg. Base Salary (USD)

The average salary for an Eye Surgeon is $300,000


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What is the Pay by Experience Level for Eye Surgeons?

An early career Eye Surgeon with 1-4 years of experience earns an average total compensation (includes tips, bonus, and overtime pay) of $219,886 based on 8 salaries. A mid-career Eye Surgeon with 5-9 years of experience earns an average total compensation of $303,391 based on 9 salaries. An experienced Eye Surgeon with 10-19 …Read more

What Do Eye Surgeons Do?

Eye surgeons, also known as ophthalmologists or ophthalmologic surgeons, are responsible for diagnosing conditions of, treating and performing surgery on the human eye. Conditions that the eye surgeon may handle in their practice include glaucoma, cancer and cataracts, among others; they also conduct surgeries related to eye injuries, as well as corneal transplants and plastic or reconstructive surgeries. Other procedures commonly performed by eye surgeons include refractive laser treatments …Read more

What is the highest pay for Eye Surgeons?

Our data indicates that the highest pay for an Eye Surgeon is $611k / year

What is the lowest pay for Eye Surgeons?

Our data indicates that the lowest pay for an Eye Surgeon is $123k / year

How can Eye Surgeons increase their salary?

Increasing your pay as an Eye Surgeon is possible in different ways. Change of employer: Consider a career move to a new employer that is willing to pay higher for your skills. Level of Education: Gaining advanced degrees may allow this role to increase their income potential and qualify for promotions. Managing Experience: If you are an Eye Surgeon that oversees more junior Eye Surgeons, this experience can increase the likelihood to earn more.

The average salary for an ophthalmologist in Florida is around $197,710 per year.

Ophthalmologists earn an average yearly salary of $197,710.
Wages typically start from $60,630.

222% above national average Updated in 2018

Ophthalmologist earnings by seniority

Approximate values based on highest and lowest earning segments.

Ophthalmologist salary by state

State NameAverage Salary
New Hampshire $275,840
North Dakota $266,510
Maine $257,550
Montana $247,260
Minnesota $245,040
Alaska $244,220
Idaho $241,670
Wisconsin $239,610
Washington $239,080
Indiana $237,470
Georgia $235,060
Wyoming $234,610
Tennessee $231,960
New Mexico $229,100
Arizona $229,090
Hawaii $228,470
South Dakota $227,710
Nevada $227,500
Kentucky $223,770
West Virginia $222,270
Connecticut $221,870
Guam $221,130
Colorado $219,310
Iowa $219,300
Utah $218,210
Delaware $216,600
Ohio $212,160
New Jersey $208,820
Massachusetts $207,990
California $204,190
Virginia $201,770
Oregon $199,960
Missouri $198,920
Rhode Island $197,950
Florida $197,710
North Carolina $196,670
Texas $195,630
Pennsylvania $187,440
Kansas $186,790
Maryland $182,970
Michigan $173,480
South Carolina $170,280
District of Columbia $167,090
Louisiana $164,470
Alabama $163,790
Illinois $160,050
Vermont $151,020
Mississippi $143,010
New York $139,710
Arkansas $127,190
Oklahoma $114,570
Nebraska $114,250
Puerto Rico $109,490
Virgin Islands, U.S. $106,860

How much does an Ophthalmologist earn?

An ophthalmologist salary, according to Medscape, can range from $98,000 to $700,000/yr. A median expected salary for an average ophthalmologist is as high as $254,000/yr while an annual salary for a self-employed ophthalmologist is about $300,000. Based on gender, females receive an average ophthalmologist salary of about $154,184/yr while a median salary for men can be around $247,800/yr.

According to, the average salary for 90th percentile of ophthalmologists has been around $319,204/yr. Similarly, about 75th percentile of ophthalmologists received $286,167/yr, 25th percentile received $225,029/yr while 10th percentile received $202,402/yr.

How do ophthalmologist salaries compare to similar careers?

Ophthalmologists earn about the same as related careers in Florida.

CareerMedian Salary
Neurosurgeon salary $212K
Cardiothoracic surgeon salary $212K
Surgeon salary $212K
Orthopaedic surgeon salary $212K
Colorectal surgeon salary $212K
Hospitalist salary $198K
Immunologist salary $198K
Urologist salary $198K
Sports medicine physician salary $198K
Radiologist salary $198K

Source: CareerExplorer (Aggregated)

What is the reimbursement for cataract surgery?

Per the proposed payment rule, reimbursement for non-complicated cataract surgery (CPT code 66984) will drop from the current level of $654 down to an estimated $557, and complex cataract surgery (CPT code 66982) will also fall from $813 in 2019 to an estimated $766 starting Jan. 1, 2020.

How Much Does Medicare pay for cataract surgery in 2022?

Under Medicare's 2022 payment structure, the national average for allowed charges for cataract surgery in outpatient hospital units is $2,079 for the facility fee and $548 for the doctor fee for surgery on one eye. Of the $2,627 total, Medicare pays $2,101 and the patient coinsurance is $524.

Do Ophthalmologists make a lot of money?

According to Indeed, the average salary for an ophthalmologist is $202,315. This will be dependent on experience, as well as other factors such as location. The starting salary for an ophthalmologist can be anywhere from $60k upwards.

What is the highest paid DR?

According to the latest statistics, physicians working in the orthopedics specialty are the highest earning doctors in the US, with an average annual income of US$511K. 2.


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