How long does it take for chlamydia to show up in males

  • Definition
    • What is chlamydia?
  • Symptoms
    • Symptoms of chlamydia
  • Causes
    • Causes of chlamydia
  • Diagnosis
    • Diagnosis for chlamydia
  • Treatment
    • Treatments for chlamydia
  • Related Resources
    • Related Resources - How Long Does It Take to Show Signs of Chlamydia?

What is chlamydia?

Chlamydia symptoms will usually appear one to three weeks after exposure, depending on where you have the infection. In many chlamydia cases, there are no symptoms.

Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacteria chlamydia trachomatis. You can get it on your penis, vagina, anus, or in your throat. In rare cases, chlamydia can also infect the eyes.

In many cases, there are no symptoms. However, if you do experience symptoms, they will appear one to three weeks after exposure.

Causes of chlamydia

The only cause of chlamydia is an infection of the bacteria chlamydia trachomatis. It is usually spread through unprotected sexual contact with an infected person's mouth, vagina, penis, or anus. You can get it from someone with a penis even if they don't ejaculate, because it can spread through genital contact. You can also get it from contact with someone's semen or sexual fluids.

You can prevent chlamydia transmission by using barriers during sex. These include condoms, dental dams, and internal condoms.

Diagnosis for chlamydia

The only way for a doctor to diagnose you with chlamydia is for you to get tested. There are two types of tests to diagnose chlamydia:

  • Urine test - You urinate into a cup and doctors test the urine for traces of bacteria.
  • Swab test - Doctors take a swab of the affected area and test that for bacteria.

You should get tested immediately if you have symptoms of chlamydia or you find out a recent sexual partner has chlamydia.

Even if you don't have symptoms of chlamydia, regular testing for sexually transmitted infections is a good idea. Many people with chlamydia have no symptoms, and other STDs may show no symptoms.

If you're under age 25 and sexually active, you should get tested for chlamydia at least once a year. You should also get tested if you have a new sexual partner. 

People of any age should get tested regularly if:

  • They have multiple sexual partners
  • They regularly have anonymous sex
  • They regularly  have unprotected sex 

Pregnant people should also get tested at the beginning of pregnancy since chlamydia can be passed to a baby through childbirth.

Treatments for chlamydia

Doctors can treat chlamydia with antibiotics. The main antibiotics prescribed are azithromycin and doxycycline. However, other antibiotics work if you can not take those due to allergy or pregnancy.  

Part of the treatment for chlamydia includes informing your recent sexual partners so they can get tested and treated as well. Some clinics offer to do this anonymously to protect your identity while helping to stop the spread of chlamydia in the community.


12 Preventable STDs: Pictures, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment See Slideshow

Medically Reviewed on 12/9/2020


Avert: "Chlamydia Symptoms & Treatment."

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: "Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) - CDC Fact Sheet."

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: "STD Risk and Oral Sex - CDC Fact Sheet."

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: "Which STD Tests Should I Get?"

Health Link BC: "Chlamydia."

Mayo Clinic: "Trachoma."

National Health Service: "Diagnosis Chlamydia."

National Health Service: "Symptoms Chlamydia."

National Health Service: "Treatment Chlamydia."

People with chlamydia usually don’t have symptoms, so most people don’t know they have it. If you do notice signs of chlamydia, get tested. Here’s what to look for.

Chlamydia usually has no symptoms.

Chlamydia can be sneaky, because you probably won’t have any symptoms you can see or feel. Sometimes the signs of chlamydia are so mild that people don’t notice them, or they mistake the symptoms for something else. Most of the time, people don’t even realize they have chlamydia — that’s part of the reason it’s such a common infection (and why it’s so important to get tested).

Chlamydia can lead to serious infections and even infertility if you don’t treat it. But it’s usually easy to cure it with medicine if you catch it early. This is why regular STD testing is so important, no matter how healthy you feel.

If you do have chlamydia symptoms, they can take several weeks after you got the infection to show up. Symptoms of chlamydia can appear in both men and women, including:

  • pain or burning while peeing

  • pain during sex

  • lower belly pain

  • abnormal vaginal discharge (may be yellowish and have a strong smell)

  • bleeding between periods

  • pus or a watery/milky discharge from the penis

  • swollen or tender testicles

  • pain, discharge and/or bleeding around the anus

If chlamydia infects your eyes, you may have redness, skin discoloration around your eye, itching, or discharge. Sometimes chlamydia infections in the throat cause soreness, but it’s rare.

If you or your partner has any of these symptoms, go to a nurse, doctor, or your local Planned Parenthood Health Center. It’s especially important to get checked out if you’re pregnant.

Remember, most people don’t show any signs at all when they have chlamydia. That’s why the only way to find out for sure if you have chlamydia is to get tested.

More questions from patients:

What are chlamydia symptoms in men?

Most people with chlamydia don’t have any symptoms. Or if they do get symptoms, they show up weeks after having sex without a condom.

Even without symptoms, if you have chlamydia and you don’t get it treated it can damage your reproductive system, cause epididymitis, or lead to infertility. That’s why it’s so important to get tested for STDs if you’ve had sex without a condom.

Chlamydia symptoms in men can include:

  • Pus, or watery or milky discharge from the penis

  • Pain or burning when peeing

  • Pain and/or swelling in one or both testicles

You can also get chlamydia in your butt, usually from receiving anal sex. Symptoms aren’t common, but you might notice:

  • A painful or itchy anus (butthole)

  • Discharge or bleeding from your anus

  • Diarrhea

  • Swelling in or around your anus

 Chlamydia can also infect your eyes, causing redness, itching, or discharge.

Regardless of where on your body they show up, chlamydia symptoms in men are most likely to appear in the morning.

If you notice any of these symptoms, if your partner has been diagnosed with chlamydia or another STD, or if your partner has symptoms, check in with your doctor or nurse or local Planned Parenthood health center right away.

What are chlamydia symptoms in women?

Most people with chlamydia don’t have any symptoms. Or the symptoms show up weeks after having sex with someone who’s infected.

Even without symptoms, untreated chlamydia can damage your reproductive system, cause pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), or lead to infertility. That’s why it’s so important to get tested for STDs, especially if you’ve had sex without a condom.

Chlamydia symptoms in women can include:

  • Abnormal, yellowish, or strong smelling vaginal discharge

  • Swelling inside your vagina/painful sex

  • Pain or burning when you pee

  • The urge to pee more than usual

If the infection spreads beyond your vagina and cervix, symptoms of chlamydia in women may include:

  • Pain in your belly or lower back

  • Nausea or a low-grade fever

  • Bleeding between your periods or after vaginal sex

You can also get chlamydia in your butt, usually from receiving anal sex. Symptoms aren’t common, but you might notice:

  • A painful or itchy anus (butthole)

  • Discharge or bleeding from your anus

  • Diarrhea

  • Swelling in or around your anus

Chlamydia can also infect your eyes, causing redness, itching, or discharge.

If you notice any of these symptoms, if your partner has been diagnosed with chlamydia or another STD, or if your partner has symptoms, check in with your doctor or nurse or contact your local Planned Parenthood health center.

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How long can a male have chlamydia without knowing?

Chlamydia can stay dormant in a person's body for years without apparent symptoms. In some cases, symptoms appear within 2-14 days after infection. However, some people, especially men, may have Chlamydia for years without knowing it.

Does chlamydia appear immediately?

Although the symptoms of genital chlamydia differ slightly between people who have penises and those who have vulvas, the time it takes for the infection to show up is the same: Symptoms typically develop 7-21 days after contact with an infected partner.

How long does chlamydia take to show up on a test men?

The test for Chlamydia is a urine test for men. If you are a man who has sex with men, you will also be offered oral and anal swabs. Chlamydia may take two weeks to show up in a test from the time of infection.

How likely is it for a man to get chlamydia?

In a previous study of patients presenting to our clinic who reported sex with a partner with chlamydia, 39.9% of females and 36.1% of heterosexual males tested positive for chlamydia [14].


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