How long do blue morpho butterflies live

Range: The most amazing insect in the tropical rainforests of Central America and South America. Blue Morpho is found mainly in forests Throughout the U.S., Mexico, and Costa Rica. It has amazing and beautiful blue wings that can reflect light.

Size: Blue Morpho grow up to approximately 5 – 6 inches wide.

Diet: The blue morpho’s diet changes throughout each stage of its life. As a caterpillar, it chews leaves. When it becomes a butterfly drinks its food instead. Adults use a long, protruding mouthpart called a proboscis as a drinking straw to sip the juice of rotting fruit, the fluids of decomposing animals, tree sap, fungi and wet mud. Blue morphos taste fruit with sensors on their legs, and they “taste-smell” the air with their antennae, which serve as a combined tongue and nose.

Average life span: The life span is one of the shortest. They can live only 115 days. Their time as a butterfly is restricted to reproduction.

Habitat: Blue morphos survive in the tropical forests of Latin America from Mexico to Colombia including Costa Rica. Adult’s morphos spend almost all their time on the forest floor and in the lower shrubs and trees of the understory with their wings folded. However, at the time of searching for mates, the blue morphos can fly through all layers of the forest.

Breeding/Reproduction: Butterflies live for reproduction; they reproduce and die immediately after laying their eggs. Male butterflies release chemicals called pheromones in their wings and attract as many females as possible. The female’s eggs are fertilized, they lay them in a safe place and flies off. The eggs will hatch after about nine days.

Blue Morpho Butterfly comes from the family of Nymphalidae. It is mostly endemic to South and Central America as well in Mexico. It got its name Morpho which means “changed” because of its ability to look like it is changing colors when in flight as well as on halt mode. This was all due to the butterfly’s prominent wings. The blue morpho’s wings spans from five to eight inches. The color of the ventral or the front of the wing is dull brown and it seems to have lots of eyespots to protect them from predators like birds and insects if they closed their wings. The dorsal or the back part is bright blue with a black edged. This bright blue coloring is the result of the microscopic scales which reflects light at its back. When the blue morpho flaps its wings upon flying the bright blue back is in contrast to the front dull brown which makes them look like they are appearing and disappearing into the air. Most male blue morpho has broader wings that the females and it appears to be brighter in color while most of the female blue morpho has dull blue wings that has white spots with brown edging.

The Blue Morpho’s life cycle begins when the eggs are hatched into larvae. Then when they become a caterpillar they have more of a brownish red with green patches at the back. They had prickly hair that can irritate predators under threat. These caterpillars mostly eat on leaves but they mostly fancy plants from the pea family. Then it will form into a jade-green chrysalis to start metamorphosis. Then after that an adult blue morpho butterfly emerges. At this stage since they cannot chew they drinks its food instead. They use their proboscis which is like a drinking straw to sip fluids of rotten fruits, carcass, tree saps, fungus and even wet mud. They used their legs to taste fruits due to their leg sensors. And their antennae will acts like a combination of their tongue and nose since it can “taste-smell” the air in search for food.

The blue morpho has several species:

Morpho Menelaus

One is the Menelaus Blue Morpho which has the scientific name Morpho Menelaus. It is mostly found in Central and South America like Costa Rica, Brazil and Venezuela but can go far as Mexico. Their wing spans at the average of 5.9 inches.

Peleides Blue Morpho

Second type is the Peleides Blue Morpho also known as the Common Morpho or The Emperor. Its scientific name is Morpho peleides. It is endemic mostly in Mexico, Northern part of South America, Paraguay, Central America and Trinidad

Blue Morphos has a life span of 115 days only. Even though they had few months to live some are threatened by their natural predators like the birds and also due to habitat destruction because of loggings and land clearing. Also humans capture and display them due to its bright and beautiful color.

As the name implies, the Blue Morpho Butterflies get their name from the bright blue wings. These butterflies are one of the largest among the Lepidoptera insects. While the wing’s topside is blue, the underneath is dark brown. When flying the two colors flash making it look like the butterfly is flickering (appearing and disappearing effect)

The underside of the fore-wings and hind-wings features eye-spots that are a defense mechanism to intimidate predators. The number of eye spots differs from one blue morpho to another.

NameBlue MorphoScientific nameMorpho peleidesKingdomAnimaliaPhylumArthropodaOrderLepidopteraClassInsectaGenusMorphoFamilyNymphalidaeColorIridescence blueHabitatRain forestWeight2-3 gramsWings5 – 8 inchesDietHerbivoreFoodRotting fruits, decomposing animals, wet mudLifespan egg to death155 daysLifespan hatching to death2-3 weeksConservation StatusNonePoisonousYes

Facts About the Blue Morpho Butterfly

What is another name for a Blue Morpho Butterfly?

The scientific name for the blue morpho is Morpho peleides. It is also known as Morpho peleides Kollar or peleides blue morpho. There are more than ten subspecies of the Morpho peleides, including

  • Morpho peleides faustina
  • Morpho peleides luminosa
  • Morpho peleides tucupita
  • Morpho peleides crispitaenia

Morpho Butterfly Diet

The diet of the blue morpho depends on its life stage. As a caterpillar, it chews leaves, that’s why the females deposit their eggs on leaves. Like all butterflies, the adult blue morpho sips its food using the proboscis. Blue morpho’s favorite food includes juice from rotting fruits, tree sap, wet mud, fungi, and fluids from decomposing animals.

Are Blue Morpho Butterflies Rare?

Yes, the blue morpho butterflies are rare except in the South America and Central America rain-forests where they are native.  Another rare thing about the blue morpho is the blue color that comes from the scales that reflect light like a prism.

What is unique about the Blue Morpho Butterfly?

First, the blue morpho is one of the largest butterflies. Another unique characteristic of these creatures is the spectacular blue color. Surprisingly, the color is because of scales that reflect light producing an iridescent blue color.

Since the blue color makes them conspicuous and easily visible by predators, the underside of the wings is brown with cryptic coloration and eye spots for protection.

Are Blue Morpho Butterflies Helpful or Harmful?

The blue morpho butterflies are important to the biological diversity of the Amazon rain-forest. As a defense mechanism, these butterflies are poisonous but not harmful. To the native Amazon tribes, the blue morpho is very significant. Some tribes believe they are spiritual guides while others treat them as evil spirits. Butterfly collectors, are very valuable in the making of jewelry.

Where do the Blue Morpho Butterflies Live?

The blue morphos are native to South America, Central America, and Mexico rain-forests. In the rain-forest, adult butterflies are mostly found on the forest floor and in the under-story eating and reproducing since they have a lifespan of up to 14 days after hatching.

Pilots also report seeing swarms of blue morphos above the treetops as they enjoy the sun.

Blue Morphos have an Elaborate Defense Mechanism

First defense mechanism kicks in during the eggs stage. Their eggs are pale green that blends easily with the leaves, making them less visible to predators such as insects and birds. The caterpillar has hairs and a unique shape, unlike most other larvae.

Adult blue morpho butterflies have flashing defense. Because the topside is blue and the underside is brown, the butterflies tend to appear and disappear as they fly making it hard for predators to follow them. The flashing blue wings is also a tactic to scare away potential predators.

Brown color and eye-spots on the underside of the wings make the butterfly less visible when resting and they also scare predators.

Are Morpho Butterflies Endangered?

No, blue morpho butterflies are not listed as endangered. However, they are under great threat from deforestation of their natural habitat. They are also threatened by human collectors who use their wings in making jewelry.

What is the Lifespan of a Blue Morpho Butterfly?

Lifespan of the blue morpho is about 115 days, which is slightly under four months. Eggs take about 12 days to hatch, while the larva stage has five stages that last between 11 and 14 days. The caterpillar stage lasts up to 8 weeks, while the pupal stage lasts up to 14 days. After hatching, the butterflies live for up to 21 days or 3 weeks.

How do you Attract Blue Morpho Butterflies?

While they don’t drink nectar like most butterflies, the blue morpho butterflies love the smell of rotting fruits. These creatures also love grapes, that’s why when visiting most conservatories that have these butterflies, you will be given a glass of grape juice to attract them as you walk around.

Are Blue Morpho Butterflies Actually Blue?

Surprisingly, the blue morpho butterflies are not actually blue. The blue color that we love about them is not because of pigmentation. It comes from the diamond-shaped scales on the wings that reflect light similar to a prism. That’s why their blue color is referred to as iridescence blue.

This physics of light is now being applied in different industries such as automotive.

What makes the Morpho Butterfly Blue?

The blue morpho butterflies appear blue when the nano-scales on the wings diffract light making the butterflies look blue.

How Long do Blue Morphos Live?

Adult blue morphos live between 1 and 2 weeks. However, their life cycle from eggs to death is about 115 days, which is slightly below four months.

Are there many Morpho Butterflies are Left in the World?

It’s hard to put into numbers how many blue morpho butterflies there are all over the world. This is because adult butterflies live for less than 2 weeks so they are continuously replaced. The majority of blue morpho butterflies are found in the rain-forest of Central and South America.

How Big can a Blue Morpho Butterfly get?

Blue Morpho is one of the largest butterflies in the world. Their wings range between 5 (12.5cm) and 8 inches (20cm) and weigh between 2-3 grams.

How Many Eggs does a Blue Morpho Butterfly Lay?

Female blue morpho butterflies lay between 7 and 15 eggs. They place the eggs on the underside of leaves to provide immediate food to the caterpillars. The eggs are light green with brown spots but change into green, brown, and transparent as they develop.

Where can I find Morpho Butterflies?

Blue morpho butterflies are native to South and Central America. In the rain forests, these butterflies are mostly found in the forest canopy.

What is the Weight of a Blue Morpho Butterfly?

An adult blue morpho butterfly weighs between 2 and 3 grams.

What is the Blue Morpho Butterfly Prey?

Since these butterflies are herbivores they don’t have prey. During the caterpillar stage, they feed on leaves. Adult blue morphos butterflies sip their food.

Is the Blue Morpho Poisonous?

The blue morpho is only poisonous if you eat it. They are harmless when holding them. During the caterpillar stage, blue morphos feed on different plants including the poisonous pea plants as a defense mechanism. They accumulate this poison even after hatching.

Do Blue Morpho Butterflies Survive in the Rain Forest?

The blue morpho butterflies are well adapted to survive in the rain-forest. Green eggs, blue color, and brown underside are all defense and survival features.

Can you Raise Blue Morpho Butterflies?

It’s not a good idea to raise these butterflies unless you will be releasing them into a rain-forest ecosystem, where they are adapted to live.

What do Blue Morphos Symbolize?

The symbolism depends on the different communities and people that live near their habitats. For instance in Costa Rica, these butterflies symbolize healing or a wish granter.

Are blue morpho butterflies rare?

Yes, the blue morpho butterflies are rare except in the South America and Central America rain-forests where they are native. Another rare thing about the blue morpho is the blue color that comes from the scales that reflect light like a prism.

What is the life cycle of a morpho butterfly?

The lifespan of the Blue Morpho is around four months. Most of their time is spent feeding and reproducing. All butterflies have a four-stage life cycle: egg, larva (caterpillar), pupa (chrysalis), and imago (adult). The changes they undergo during their life cycle is called metamorphosis.

Are blue morpho butterflies endangered?

Not extinctMenelaus blue morpho / Extinction statusnull

Where does a blue morpho butterfly live?

Native to the rainforests of Mexico, Central America and South America, this bright blue butterfly has a short but stunning life. It is thought that the colour helps the males to mark their territories, and acts as a defence against predators.


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