How do you verify your discord account

Verified Program

Let your fans know you're legit

Verify your server and let everyone know this is the official place for your community to gather.

Let fans know the real deal

Welcome new members to your community with your own invite splash art and a custom invite link.

Understand your community

See your community's activity with Server Insights, including where your users are coming from and your most popular channels.

Join Server Discovery

Be on Server Discovery so your audience can find you directly through Discord.

Don’t just take our word for it…

I first started using Discord to keep in touch with my friends about gaming and build a network for my fanbase. I became comfortable extremely quickly and it’s expanded to discussing music with producers and even meeting people I continue to talk to daily. Discord has given my fanbase a safe space to discuss music, share information and connect. I also use it to provide them with sneak previews or let them in on information they can’t find anywhere on a regular social media platform.

Having a Verified server was important for our community to easily find us and customize the look of the server to get that Elgato level of care just as we put into our products. Our community is a wonderful mix of content creators, programmers, designers, and more – and it's all thanks to Discord for making it easy to bring us all together.`

Vanessa Zuniga
Elgato, Community Marketing Manager

Our verified Discord servers provide a polished evergreen space for community members to connect with one another and our company in meaningful and authentic ways. Through this partnership we have been able to encourage and equip thousands of creatives through daily inspiration, design feedback and online mentorship!

Gus Martin
Adobe, Content & Community Manager


Our server is fan run. Can we still apply?

Unfortunately, we won’t be verifying fan servers. For example, if you’re a big fan of a certain game or musician and you run a server about them, we can’t verify you. Alternatively, the Partner Program is designed to reward the best servers that invest time and effort on Discord and is open to community-led servers.

I have a question. Who can I contact?

Please contact us here.

What are the perks of being Verified?

As listed above, you’ll get a custom, unique URL, Invite Splash, and verified badge on server so fans know you’re not a phony.

Ready to gather your community?

Let's get you started.

Discord is a popular communication platform where people interact with each other via voice chatting, video calls, and live streaming. It also contains many other fantastic features such as creating servers, voice and text channels, adding friends by sending request or invitation links, and joining gaming communities. To take the benefits from all these fantastic features on Discord, you need to verify your account first.

This guide will demonstrate the procedure of verifying the Discord account. Let’s begin!

How to verify Discord account on Desktop?

You can verify your Discord using your phone number or email. The account verification through email is essential, whereas verification via phone number is optional. When a new account is created on Discord, a verification email is sent to them.

Follow the below-given instructions to verify your Discord account.

Step 1: Login to Discord
First of all, log in to your newly created account by providing “EMAIL” and “PASSWORD” and hit the “Login” button:

Step 2: Start Account Verification
Next, click on the “Start Verification” button to begin the account verification process:

A “Verify by Email” prompt window will appear on your screen, which indicates that an email for Discord account verification has been sent to your inbox:

Step 3: Verify Email
Now, check the Discord account verification mail from the email inbox. After opening the email, click on the “Verify Email” button:

Step 4: Mark Captcha
Then mark the Captcha check box:

After doing so, an “Email Verified” message box will let you know that your Discord account is verified by email successfully:

Step 5: Open Discord
Now, go back to the Discord application and start using it:

Let’s check out the method to verify a Discord account on the mobile application.

Discord users can also verify their accounts via Mobile. If you want to try it out, then follow the given instructions.

Step 1: Login to Discord
First of all, enter your “Email” and “Password” and tap on the “Login” button:

Step 2: Start Verification
Upon doing so, the “Verify by Email” screen will appear, which shows that the verification email has been sent:

Step 3: Verify Email
Now open the verification email that has been received from Discord and tap on the “Verify Email” button:

Step 4: Open Discord
After verifying the email, the Discord application will be ready to use on your mobile:

We have compiled the easiest method for verifying the Discord account on desktop and mobile applications.


To verify the Discord account on desktop and mobile applications, first, log in to the Discord account. A “Verify by Email” screen will appear, which shows that the verification email has been sent. Go to your email inbox, open the email and click on the “Verify Email” button, then open the Discord application and utilize it with all benefits. This guide discussed the method for verifying Discord accounts on both desktop and mobile applications.

About the author

I hold a master's degree in computer science. I am passionate about my work, exploring new technologies, learning programming languages, and I love to share my knowledge with the world.

Why does Discord say I need to verify my account?

This verification not only serves to help confirm to Discord that you are more likely to not be spam but also provides additional barriers of defense against malicious activity on your account. So you might see this message because you want to join a server that requires its members to have verified accounts.

Why is Discord not letting me verify?

If you receive the Invalid Phone Number message when you are trying to complete your verification, it could be for the following reasons: VOIP, Burner/Prepaid, and Landline numbers can not be used to complete verification. You must use a mobile number to verify. You have not correctly filled out the text entry field.

How do I enable Discord verification?

Step 1: While viewing the list of channels in your server, tap your server's name at the top of the screen. Step 2: Tap “Settings” on the right side of the screen. Step 3: Tap “Moderation.” Step 4: Under the “Verification Level” section, tap your desired verification level.


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