How do you say leukemia in spanish


blastic phase chronic myelogenous leukemia

fase blástica de la leucemia mielogenosa crónica

graft vs leukemia effect

efecto injerto vs leucemia


Synonyms (English) for "leukemia":

Can leukemia be cured?

As with other types of cancer, there's currently no cure for leukemia. People with leukemia sometimes experience remission, a state after diagnosis and treatment in which the cancer is no longer detected in the body. However, the cancer may recur due to cells that remain in your body.

What causes leukemia?

In general, leukemia is thought to occur when some blood cells acquire changes (mutations) in their genetic material or DNA. A cell's DNA contains the instructions that tell a cell what to do. Normally, the DNA tells the cell to grow at a set rate and to die at a set time.

What is another name for leukemia?

Other names
A Wright's stained bone marrow aspirate smear from a person with B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
Hematology and oncology
Leukemia - › wiki › Leukemianull

Is leukemia a cancer or disease?

Leukemia is a broad term for cancers of the blood cells. The type of leukemia depends on the type of blood cell that becomes cancer and whether it grows quickly or slowly. Leukemia occurs most often in adults older than 55, but it is also the most common cancer in children younger than 15.

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