How can the web address be described

Chapter 2
business intelligence The subset of data and information that actually has some explanatory power enabling effective decisions to be made.
content providers Parties that furnish information on the World Wide Web.
cookies Small computer files that a content provider can save onto the computer of someone who visits its website.
customer relationship management The part of the DSS that addresses exchanges between the firm and its customers.
data Facts or recorded measures of certain phenomena (things).
data quality The degree to which data represent the true situation.
data warehouse The multitiered computer storehouse of current and historical data.
data warehousing The process allowing important day-to-day operational data to be stored and organized for simplified access.
data wholesalers Companies that put together consortia of data sources into packages that are offered to municipal, corporate, and university libraries for a fee.
database A collection of raw data arranged logically and organized in a form that can be stored and processed by a computer.
decision support system A computer-based system that helps decision makers confront problems through direct interaction with databases and analytical software programs.
electronic data interchange Type of exchange that occurs when one company’s computer system is integrated with another company’s system.
environmental scanning Entails all information gathering designed to detect changes in the external operating environment of the�firm.
global information system An organized collection of computer hardware, software, data, and personnel designed to capture, store, update, manipulate, analyze, and immediately display information about worldwide business activity.
host Where the content for a particular website physically resides and is accessed.
information Data formatted (structured) to support decision making or define the relationship between two facts.
information completeness Having the right amount of information.
interactive medium A medium, such as the Internet, that a person can use to communicate with and interact with other users.
Internet A worldwide network of computers that allows users access to information from distant sources.
intranet A company’s private data network that uses Internet standards and technology.
keyword search Takes place as the search engine searches through millions of web pages for documents containing the keywords.
knowledge A blend of previous experience, insight, and data that forms organizational memory.
knowledge management The process of creating an inclusive, comprehensive, easily accessible organizational memory, which is often called the organization’s intellectual capital.
proprietary business research The gathering of new data to investigate specific problems.
pull technology Consumers request information from a web page and the browser then determines a response; the consumer is essentially asking for the data.
push technology Sends data to a user’s computer without a request being made; software is used to guess what information might be interesting to consumers based on the pattern of previous responses.
relevance A characteristic of data reflecting how pertinent these particular facts are to the situation at hand.
scanner data The accumulated records resulting from point-of-sale data recordings.
search engine A computerized directory that allows anyone to search the World Wide Web for information using a keyword search.
smart agent software Software capable of learning an Internet user’s preferences and automatically searching out information in selected websites and then distributing it.
timeliness Means that the data are current enough to still be relevant.
uniform resource locator A website address that web browsers recognize.
World Wide Web A portion of the Internet that is a system of computer servers that organize information into documents called web pages.

What is the IP address for Cengage com?

Network information.

What is used to address the Internet resources placed on the Internet?

Internet Protocol (IP) is the method or protocol by which data is sent from one computer to another on the internet. Each computer -- known as a host -- on the internet has at least one IP address that uniquely identifies it from all other computers on the internet.

What field in the Transport layer header can TCP adjust to provide flow control quizlet?

Flow control helps maintain the reliability of TCP transmission by adjusting the rate of data flow between source and destination for a given session. To accomplish this, the TCP header includes a 16-bit field called the window size.

What field in the Transport layer header can TCP adjust to provide flow control?

The amount of data that a source can transmit before an acknowledgement must be received is called the window size. Window Size is a field in the TCP header that enables the management of lost data and flow control.


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