Deepak chopra reinventing the body resurrecting the soul

Some people think of the human body as a complicated machine that is can break down and need repairs. But another view is gaining support: that our bodies are boundless creations shimmering with the energy, creativity, and intelligence of the universe. Deepak Chopra, author of more than 50 books and heralded by TIME Magazine as "the poet-prophet of alternative medicine," believes that it is time for us to reinvent the body through a more rigorous and expansive connection with our souls. We can move stuck energy and change old habits through reflection, contemplation, and meditation. We also have the capacity to influence our genes and change the structure of our brains. We can even make time an ally rather than viewing it as a constant enemy.

As we read through these chapters, we thought of a scene in Defending Your Life. The protagonist has died and gone to a place called Judgment City. He is told that human beings only use up to three percent of their mental powers and are referred to as "little brains." Chopra is convinced that we can use more of our brains and also tap the soul's potential. Connecting to this power source means getting beyond the reach of "no." The following roadblocks or negative beliefs must be removed:

• People don't change.
• Habits keep us trapped.
• Obsessive thoughts are in control.
• Cravings can never be appeased.
• Fear keeps you from being free.
• "Bad" thoughts are forbidden and dangerous.
• Natural urges are illicit or dangerous.

The soul leads us to new responses and possibilities when we:

• Remain centered.
• Be clear.
• Expect the best.
• Watch and wait.

With élan and a deep appreciation for the bounties of the soul, Chopra outlines its vision:

• I am everything I need.
• I am secure because I have nothing to fear in myself.
• The flow of life's abundance brings me everything.
• I do not measure myself by any external standard.
• Giving is more important than winning.
• I have no self-image; I am beyond images.
• Other people are attracted to me as soul to soul.
• I can find perfect love, because I have found it first in myself.

This vision is wed to the 10 Steps to Wholeness ("Be generous of spirit. Relate to your body consciously. Seek after your own mystery."). Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul: How to Create a New You by Deepak Chopra is his primer on the spiritual practice of transformation.

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