Cost to register car in new mexico

Michael Collado is a car buying expert and has been a professional automotive writer since 2009.  He’s written about dealership sales, vehicle reviews and comparisons, and service and maintenance for over 100 national automotive dealerships.  Previously, Collado was a copywriter at the ad agency TBWA/Chiat/Day where he worked on brand campaigns for Nissan, ABC Television, Sony PlayStation, and Energizer. His recognition in the ad industry includes awards from Communication Arts and The Clios.

Collado has a Bachelor’s degree from the University of South Florida, with a major in Psychology and a minor in Marketing.

If you are ready to purchase a car in the state of New Mexico, then you will have to be aware of the associated car sales tax.

The state sales tax can affect the final purchasing price of your vehicle. Because of this potential expense, many people want to know if tax exemptions or if buying a car out of state can help.

Here, we will take a look at the current sales tax rate and rules surrounding New Mexico vehicle purchases.

Table of Contents

  • How Much Is the Car Sales Tax in New Mexico?
  • How to Calculate New Mexico Sales Tax on a Car
    • Calculate Sales Tax in New Mexico Example
  • New Mexico Sales Tax Calculator
  • Do I Have to Pay Sales Tax on a Used Car?
  • Which County Has the Highest Tax? Which Has the Lowest?
  • Car Sales Tax for Trade-Ins in New Mexico
  • Car Sales Tax on Private Sales in New Mexico
  • Tax on Rebates & Dealer Incentives
  • New Mexico DMV & State Fees
    • New Mexico Dealership Fees
  • When Sales Tax Is Exempt in New Mexico
  • New Mexico EV Rebates & Incentives
  • Best Car Deals by Category
  • Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Is the Car Sales Tax in New Mexico?

The current Motor Vehicle Excise Tax for vehicle purchases in New Mexico is 4%.

Motor vehicles are taxed at a different rate in New Mexico, and there is no extra local tax for car sales.

How to Calculate New Mexico Sales Tax on a Car

To calculate the sales tax on your vehicle, find the total sales tax fee for the city and/or county. In New Mexico, this will always be 4%. Multiply the vehicle price (after trade-ins but before incentives) by the sales tax fee.

For example, imagine you are purchasing a vehicle for $50,000 with the state sales tax of 4%. You trade-in a vehicle for $5,000 and get an incentive for $1,000. New Mexico does not charge tax on trade-ins but they do on incentives/rebates, so you would subtract $5,000 from the car cost, to get $45,000, which is the taxable amount.

In this example, multiply $45,000 by .04 to get $1,800. The total purchase price of the vehicle would be $45,800 (account for the incentive).

Calculate Sales Tax in New Mexico Example

  • Initial Car Price: $50,000
  • Sales Tax Rate: 4%
  • Trade-In Amount: $5,000
  • Rebate/Incentive Amount: $1,000

Sales Tax = ($50,000 - $5,000) * .04
Sales Tax = $1,800

New Mexico Sales Tax Calculator

Do I Have to Pay Sales Tax on a Used Car?

Yes, just like with new car purchases, there is a 4% tax on used car sales in New Mexico.

Which County Has the Highest Tax? Which Has the Lowest?

The county with the highest sales tax is Taos County with a sales tax rate of 9.4375%. The county with the lowest sales tax is Harding County with a sales tax rate of 7.3958%

However, cars are taxed differently than other goods and services. New Mexico has a flat 4% tax for vehicle sales.

Car Sales Tax for Trade-Ins in New Mexico

You do not have to pay a sale tax on the trade-in on your vehicle in the state of New Mexico.

In other words, when calculating sales tax, be sure to subtract the trade-in amount from the car price.

Let’s say that you're purchasing a new car for $60,000 and your trade-in is valued at $20,000. This would put your new vehicle purchase price at $40,000, which is the taxable amount.

Car Sales Tax on Private Sales in New Mexico

Private vehicle sales are taxed at 4% in New Mexico.

As an example, if you purchase a $25,000 car from a private part, then you will have to pay $1,000 for the Motor Vehicle Excise Tax.

Tax on Rebates & Dealer Incentives

The state of New Mexico does tax rebates and dealer incentives. In other words, be sure to use the purchase price (after any trade-ins)  when calculating the sales tax amount.

As an example, let’s say you want to purchase a new truck for $65,000 and the dealer provides a $4,000 rebate. You have to pay a sales tax on the $4,000 rebate. Therefore, the taxable amount is still $65,000.

New Mexico DMV & State Fees

New Mexico DMV charges the following fees:

  • Car Registration for 1-Year: $27-$62
  • Car Registration for 2-Years: $54-$124

New Mexico Dealership Fees

The average dealership fee for a vehicle purchase will be about $330, with no statewide limit. This is also known as the documentation fee or doc fee. This is the fee that is charged to handle the paperwork which needs to be sent to the state DMV.

When Sales Tax Is Exempt in New Mexico

You don’t have to pay sales tax in New Mexico if you receive the vehicle as a gift.

Also, if you register the vehicle in another state within 30 days of the sale, then you do not have to pay the sales tax.

New Mexico EV Rebates & Incentives

There is no state EV rebate for electric vehicle sales.

However, New Mexico residents are able to qualify for the federal $7,500 rebate on an electric vehicle purchase.

Tax information and rates are subject to change, please be sure to verify with your local DMV. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the sales tax on a car purchased in New Mexico?

The sales tax on a vehicle purchase in New Mexico is 4%. As an example, if you purchase a car for $40,000, then you will have to pay 4% or $1,600 in sales tax.

Do I have to pay sales tax on a used car in New Mexico?

The sales tax on a used car sale is 4%. As an example, if you purchase a used car for $20,000, then you will have to pay 4% of that purchase price or $800.

Do I have to pay sales tax on a gifted car in New Mexico?

You do not have to pay tax on a vehicle that has been gifted to you.

How much is registration in New Mexico?

Car registration fees can range from $27.00 to $62.00 for a one-year registration and $54.00 to $124.00 for a two-year registration.

Does a trade-in reduce sales tax in New Mexico?

Yes, a trade-in reduces the sale tax on a vehicle. As an example, if you purchase a truck for $50,000 and you have a trade-in valued at $10,000, then you only have to pay sales tax on the $40,000.

How can I avoid paying sales tax in New Mexico?

You can avoid paying sales tax in New Mexico if you receive the vehicle as a gift. Also, if you register the vehicle in another state within 30 days of the sale, then you do not have to pay the sales tax.

What is the tax title and license fee in New Mexico?

We presume that every time a vehicle is titled, a sale has occurred and the motor vehicle excise tax is due. The tax is 4% of the price paid for the vehicle less any trade-in credit. For non-dealer sales, however, the N.A.D.A. value is used if the declared purchase price of the vehicle is lower than 80% of the N.A.D.A.

What is needed to register a vehicle in NM?

Residents need to bring:.
A completed Application for Vehicle Title and Registration (Form MVD10002)..
The vehicle's title..
Proof of NM auto insurance..
Proof of identity (NM driver's license, photo ID, birth certificate)..
The state provides a detailed list of acceptable forms of identification..

What is the title fee in New Mexico?

The total amount you will pay for a vehicle title transfer in New Mexico depends on the age and value of your vehicle. The combined fees of the vehicle registration and vehicle titling fees range from $27 to $62 per year. If you qualify to only obtain the vehicle's title, this fee is $5.

What do I need to register out of state car in NM?

Two proofs of New Mexico residency (Note: this is only required if you don't have a valid New Mexico driver's license with your current address) Valid New Mexico driver's license or state-issued ID. Proof of liability insurance. The vehicle's current odometer reading.


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