Codominant/incomplete dominance practice worksheet answer key fish

6.In snapdragons, flower color is controlled by incomplete dominance. The two alleles are red(R)and white (r). The heterozygous genotype is expressed as pink.a.

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7.A pink-flowered plant is crossed with a white-flowered plant. What is the%

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28.What cross will produce the most pink-flowered plants? Show a Punnett square to supportyour answer and explain.

Name_______________________Period:________Date:___________________CODOMINANT/INCOMPLETE DOMINANCE PRACTICE WORKSHEET1.Explain the difference between incomplete and codominance.SAYEEDI, SYED SAIF03-21-2020

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Co-Dominance Problems2.In a certain fish, blue scales (BB) and red scales (bb) are codominant. When a fish has thehybrid genotype, it has a patchwork of blue and red scales. (Use the letter B)a.What is the genotype for blue fish? ______________b.What is the genotype for red fish? ______________c.What is the genotype for patchwork fish? ___________3.What happens if you breed a patchwork fish with a fish that only has Blue Scales?a.b.What is the probability of having fish with patchwork scales? _________%BBbbBb010050

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4.Two patchwork fish are crossed.What is the probability that they will have patchwork fish?BbBBBBBbBBBb

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5.Two short-tailed (Manx) cats are bred together. They produce three kittens with long tails, fiveshort tails, and two without any tails. From these results, how do you think tail length in thesecats are inherited? Show the genotypes for both the parents and the offspring to support youranswer.tTtTTTGenotype of parents: Tt

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What is an example of incomplete dominance answers com?

Incomplete dominance occurs when neither trait is truly dominant over the other. This means that both traits can be expressed in the same regions, resulting a blending of two phenotypes. If a white and black dog produce a gray offspring, this is an example of incomplete dominance.

What's the difference between Incomplete dominance and codominance?

In complete dominance, only one allele in the genotype is seen in the phenotype. In codominance, both alleles in the genotype are seen in the phenotype. In incomplete dominance, a mixture of the alleles in the genotype is seen in the phenotype.

What is incomplete dominance answer?

What is Incomplete Dominance? Incomplete dominance is a form of Gene interaction in which both alleles of a gene at a locus are partially expressed, often resulting in an intermediate or different phenotype. It is also known as partial dominance.

What is Incomplete dominance quizlet?

Incomplete dominance means that an allele is neither dominant nor recessive. An example would be the alleles for the genes that decide the color trait of a Mirabilis plant.

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