Chocolate covered strawberries with cream cheese filling

Oh my dear reader friends. Does that not just put a SMILE on your FACE! I had such a fun time making these, I didn’t even mind the mess it made of my kitchen. I didn’t even grumble when I looked up and saw my entire counter top riddled with paint, brushes, cups of water, hot glue guns, and wooden hearts. No, I did not paint these. However my children had a grand old time painting little wooden hearts while I  worked on these babies. Yes, even the three year olds.

There is nothing like a cheerful red strawberry to put a smile on your face in the dead of winter. Unless it’s dipped in chocolate. Then my friends, there is smiling AND eyes rolling back in the head. Pipe a little cream cheese filling into these beauties…..and I’m not sure you’ll be able to make dinner tonight. Just eat these instead. Isn’t it almost Valentines Day or something? Don’t you have a HUNK OF BURNING LOVE just waiting to get a delectable treat like this one? I thought so……

Chocolate Dipped Strawberries with Cream Cheese Filling

Time: 1 hour

Yield: 12 Strawberries

Recipe from Jamie Cooks It Up!

1 pound fresh Strawberries

1 bag milk chocolate chips (I find Nestle’s to be the best for milk chocolate)

1/4 bag white chocolate chips


wax paper


1 1/2 T white chocolate chips

6 T powdered sugar

1/2 block cream cheese

1 T milk

1/2 t vanilla

3/4 C cool whip

dash salt

1. In a small mixing bowl beat the cream cheese, powdered sugar, milk vanilla and salt together with a hand mixer. (Or in your stand mixer)

2. In a small bowl microwave 1 1/2 T white chocolate for 30 seconds. Stir the chips with a spoon and microwave for 30 more seconds. Stir again. It should be melted and nice and smooth.

3. Add the melted chocolate to the cream cheese mixture and mix well.

4. Add the cool whip and mix until smooth and creamy.

5. Take a sharp toothpick and jab it repeatedly into the center top of the strawberry, until the center can be pulled out.

6. See how the center has been taken out? Just lovely. I find that I really have to work the toothpick around in a circle inside the strawberry to hollow out as much as possible. Otherwise you won’t be able to fit much filling.

7. Spoon the filling into a pastry bag. Pipe the filling into the strawberries.

8. Don’t they look pretty! That is a cheerful site if I have ever seen one! Be careful not to let too much filling show on the green. Once you dip the strawberries it will get kind of messy.

9. Put the bag of chocolate chips in a glass measuring cup. These work well because they are fairly deep and not too wide. Melt the chocolate chips for 30 seconds in the microwave and then stir. You will most likely have to do this 2-3 times, depending on the power of your microwave. See in the picture how some of the chips are still holding their shape? You can also see that as soon as I started to stir it they melted nicely. You want to be careful not to get the chocolate too hot. It will start to get all chalky on you….that won’t make pretty berries, folks. Add 1/2 t of shortening and stir it in.

10. Hold each berry by the green stem carefully. Dip it in the chocolate, tilting it to each side so the chocolate gets all around it. Place on a cookie sheet covered with wax paper.

11. Melt about 1/2 C white chocolate chips in the microwave. Stir in 1/4 t shortening.

12. Drizzle the white chocolate over the top of the dipped berries.

13. Place the cookie sheet in your freezer for about 6 minutes. The chocolate should set up in this much time. Be careful not to let them stay in for more than about 15 minutes. They will start to freeze, and you don’t want that!

14. Enjoy! These beauties will last for several hours in the fridge, but not much longer than that. They are meant to be eaten soon after they are made.

HUNK OF BURNING LOVE here we come!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Valentines Day everyone!


Thanks for dropping by today! I hope you find these recipes to be delicious!

What can I put my chocolate covered strawberries in?

To minimize sweating, place a couple sheets of paper towels into the bottom of an airtight container. Store the strawberries on top of the paper towels. If you need to store multiple layers of strawberries, place pieces of wax paper or parchment paper between the layers.

Should strawberries be cold before dipping in chocolate?

It is very hard because strawberries are made of 90% water. Do not dip when they are very cold, try to use room temperature strawberries. For an even better result, do not put them in the refrigerator but in a cold place.

Can you make chocolate covered strawberries the night before?

Ideally, chocolate covered strawberries taste the best the day you make them. But if you're on a time crunch, you can make these a day in advance. Just store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 48 hours.


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