Can you save mr wayne rdr2

Game Maps & Guides for Gamers.

  1. Guides for Gamers
  2. Red Dead Redemption 2 Game Guide
  3. Missions
  4. The Tool Box

Group: Epilogue - Part 2 - Beecher's Hope

Category: Story Mission

To begin this mission, go to the lumberyard in Blackwater. The owner of the lumberyard will sell John the materials needed to build a new pre-cut house.

When you are loading the wood on the wagons, Charles will show up at the lumberyard and inform you that the Skinner Brothers gang is raging on the roads. He will bring two hired guns with him to help you safely transport materials to the ranch. On your way to the ranch you are going to visit Manzanita Post to buy some tools needed to build the house from the smith there.

John purchases a pre-cut house from the Blackwater lumberyard. Hearing the Skinner Brothers are in the area, John, Charles, and two hired guns bring the lumber home via the toolmaker at Manzanita Post.

Gold Medal Checklist

  • Headshot all Skinner Brothers hiding up trees
  • Find Mr Wayne within 2 minutes 15 seconds
  • Complete using only sidearms
  • Complete the mission without taking any health items

Related points of interest

Blackwater World Map

Manzanita Post World Map

Beecher's Hope World Map

Objectives of The Tool Box

1. Follow Charles to Manzanita Post

Charles and one of the hired guns will drive the first wagon. You and the second hired gun named Willard Wayne will drive the second wagon. The route to Manzanita Post will run smoothly. Your companion will turn out to be a very nice guy.

2. Acquire some tools from Nils

When you get to the Manzanita Post, you and Wayne get out of the wagon and go talk to the smith.

Nils is not very talkative, but you will eventually get a set of tools and you will be able to move on.

3. Follow Charles to Beecher's Hope

You will go on your way to the ranch.

After a while you will be ambushed by the Skinner Brothers Gang. Your companion will be shot with an arrow.

4. Defeat the Skinner Brothers Gang

John will jump off the wagon and find a cover behind the fallen tree. Start shooting at your attackers. If you want to earn a gold medal, you can only use the sidearms. You will be attacked from different sides and some of your opponents will try to rush to you and attack you close up. These are particularly dangerous, don't let them get too close to you.

After this group is defeated, it will turn out that Wayne was taken. The toolbox has also disappeared. So you have to go to the rescue of Wayne and get your tools back.

5. Pursue the kidnappers into the woods / Defeat the Skinner Brothers

If you want to earn the gold medal, you must now find Mr. Wayne within 2 minutes and 15 seconds.

Head east, to the location marked on the map. When you get there, take cover behind the fallen tree. You'll be attacked by another group of Skinner Brothers. Two of them will be sitting on the trees. They are hardly visible, one is on the tree on the right and another is on the tree on the left. One of the requirements for a gold medal is that you headshot both of them. Do it before Charles shoots them. Then kill the others.

6. Follow Charles / Find Mr. Wayne

Once you've dealt with this group of enemies, keep on moving on with Charles and kill any more Skinner Brothers that stand in your way.

Eventually, you'll reach a few trees growing in the midst of the rocks. You should see a toolbox lying on the ground between the trees. When you come closer to pick it up, you will also see Mr. Wayne. Sadly, he is dead.

7. Pick up the tools / Return to the wagons / Place the tools onto the wagon / Get on the wagon / Go to Beecher's Hope

Charles will take Mr. Wayne's body and you will carry the toolbox. Go back to the wagons and put the box on the back of the first wagon.

Get on the first wagon and drive it to your ranch.

When you get there, you'll be greeted by Uncle and you'll start unloading wagons. And that's where this mission ends.

After completing The Tool Box you will get or will be able to get A New Jerusalem.

Where is Mr Wayne buried rdr2?

John and Charles express their disgust at what the Skinners had done, and the latter carries Wayne's dead body back to the wagon. After arriving at Beecher's Hope, John unloads the goods from the wagon while Charles takes Wayne to Blackwater for burial.

Who are the Skinner brothers rdr2?

The Skinner Brothers are a gang of ruthless killers and thieves who move from place to place to hunt and kill animals and people alike. The Skinners are notorious for their cruel and sadistic acts and horrific tortures.

Where can I buy pre cut house in rdr2?

In Blackwater, John goes to Cakes Hardwood and Timber to purchase a pre-cut house from Albert Cakes. Then he must visit Manzanita Post to get the necessary tools.


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