Can you reuse daily contacts in an emergency

I completely disagree with the prevailing opinion here. You usually hear horror stories of people who got some serious infection from reusing daily contacts, but that is just selection bias, because you know what you also hear off people getting serious eye infections from monthlies and bi-weeklies too. People always tell stories about how they got this terrible eye infection and lost and eye or needed a corneal transplant e.t.c What they never say, is how they sleep in their contacts, didn't soak and disinfect their contacts when it was exposed to unsanitary conditions, don't wash or disinfect hands before putting in and taking contacts out, persist in wearing contacts even when their eyes were obviously irritated. I mean obviously dailies are thinner and will not last as long as monthly's but they're more comfortable and with proper care can be reused a few times, I personally use my dailies for about 3-4 days. And I've been doing that for 5 years now, my sister has been doing it even longer. Contact care is simple, but it isn't easy. And a lot of people are not willing to put in the care, and blame poor eye hygiene on reusing contacts. Now if you can't be bothered to do all the things necessary to take care of your contacts and your eyes, daily's are a fantastic option, you pop open the case wear them for the day and toss them at night. Also never sleep in your contacts that seems to be the biggest cause of eye infections from contacts regardless of if they are dailies or monthlies. But people always leave the fact they do this out of their stories of woe

TLDR: daily contacts don't have anything programmed into them that causes them to melt after single use, so basically with good eye and contact care you can reuse dailies. Trust me if your dailies are dried out you'll know, the problem is that people push through obvious eye discomfort for whatever reason. Nobody gets the serious cases of eye infection you keep hearing in these horror stories from simply reusing contacts, they're not telling the whole story.

It can be tempting to reuse your daily contact lenses, especially if it means saving another trip to your eye doctor. Besides, what damage can it really cause?

The truth is that you shouldn’t reuse your daily contact lenses. They are specifically designed to be worn only once, and reusing them actually negates their benefits. By being worn only once, daily contacts protect your eyes from contaminants and help keep them comfortable. They don’t require any cleaning and are ideal for traveling.

Can You Reuse Daily Contacts?

In short, no. While no one is going to stop you from wearing daily contacts more than once, there are some very good reasons why you shouldn’t. The main reason is that wearing disposable contacts more than once defeats the purpose of buying them in the first place. These short-term contacts are much thinner than extended wear contacts (those that can be worn anywhere from a week to a month). 

After a day, the lens will break down and not allow enough oxygen to get to your eye. That will raise your risk for an infection and can cause Neovascularization of your cornea (blood vessel growth into your corneas). This makes them much less durable than other types.

Are you interested in getting contacts but not sure where to start? Click here to visit our Contact Lenses page!

What are Disposable Contact Lenses?

Both daily and extended wear contacts are designed to be thrown away after a set period of time. However, contacts must be good for only one use in order to be considered truly disposable by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This means that you should throw every pair away at the end of the day and open up a new pair of contact lenses in the morning.

What makes disposable contacts unique is how thin they are. These contacts are much thinner than other types of contacts, which makes them more comfortable on your eye. On the other hand, this also makes them much less durable and prone to tearing. The trade-off is well worth it for a large number of those who wear contacts.

Extended Wear Contact Lenses

“Extended wear contacts” aren’t a single type of contact lens. Instead, it’s an umbrella term for any contact lens that can be worn more than once. This can be for any period of time from a week to a month. 

While designed to be worn more than once, it’s important to remember that you still have to take them out at night. Wearing lenses overnight gives you a much greater risk of eye infections, so it’s very important that you take them out and clean them every day. This helps prevent bacteria and other residues from collecting on the lens and possibly causing an infection.

The biggest appeal of extended wear contacts is that they’re cheaper than daily contacts. They last longer than disposable varieties, helping contact wearers stretch their dollar a bit more.

While this is a big selling point, it’s not always the best choice for your eye health. While more durable, they still collect contaminants such as bacteria and pollen no matter how much you clean them. This means that your risk of an eye infection increases with every wear. It’s also why they still need to be replaced regularly. Failure to do so can lead to eye problems later on.

Check out Daily Contacts Lenses vs. Monthly — What’s The Difference? to learn more!

Why Choose Daily Contacts Over Extended Wear Contacts?

Dailies (contact lenses) offer many benefits that you may not even know about. Some benefits are thanks to how thin they are while others are the result of only being worn once.

The benefits of daily contacts include:

  • Not having to clean them or purchase solution
  • A full day of lasting comfort
  • Helping prevent allergies
  • Help prevent dry eye
  • Ideal for traveling

For many people, the biggest perk of daily contacts is not having to clean them. Even extended wear contacts need to be cleaned and replaced eventually, and dailies cut out that step. This also significantly reduces your risk of developing an eye infection from your contacts.

Daily contacts help prevent allergies thanks to being thrown away after every use. While you may be cleaning your contacts every day, there’s still a bit of residue that builds up. Disposable contacts help prevent this type of buildup and keep your eyes comfortable during allergy season.

As with allergies, extended-wear contacts can actually make dry eye worse due to residue buildup. Disposable contacts help prevent dry eye in the same way they help prevent allergies — by never allowing residue to build up in the first place. By being replaced every day, they make it to where allergens and other residues never have the chance to collect on your lenses.

Daily contact lenses are ideal for traveling since they don’t require any extra cleaning supplies. All you have to do is toss them into your bag. With disposable contacts, you no longer have to stuff your lens case, cleaning solution, and any other cleaning supplies into your carry-on.

Are you ready to upgrade to daily contact lenses? Contact us today to schedule your appointment!

You should never wear daily contacts more than once. By doing so, you’re actually negating their primary benefits of comfort and preventing infections. Unlike extended wear contact lenses, disposable contacts don’t require cleaning to fight bacteria buildup. Not having to clean them is one of the best things about them along with preventing allergies and dry eye.

Hardin Valley Eyecare & Optical has been serving Knoxville since 2009. Dr. Travis Thompson and Dr. Catherine Abbott specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of a wide array of eye diseases, conditions, and problems and are committed to improving the quality of life in the Knoxville community through enhanced vision. Located at 10904 Spring Bluff Way, you can schedule an appointment online or give us a call at (865) 888-0892.

Can you reuse daily contacts if you put them in solution?

So, never reuse the solution from the initial application of contacts as it will lead to bacterial infection to your eyes. Even if you remove your daily contact to take a shower or rest, use a new contact lens solution to disinfect them.

Can I wear my daily disposable contacts for 2 days?

Can you wear daily contacts for two days? If you wear daily disposable lenses, then no, you cannot wear them for two days. In fact, daily disposable contacts are supposed to be discarded after each use.

Can you put daily contacts in solution for a few hours?

If you wear daily disposable lenses and you want to take a nap, you may be tempted to pop your lenses into disinfecting solution for a few hours and put them back in after you wake up. However, daily disposables must be discarded after each use, even if you wear them for only a few minutes or hours.

Can daily disposable contact lenses be reused?

The short answer is no. You shouldn't wear daily disposable contacts more than once. However, you can safely re-wear daily extended-use lenses for up to a month (or however long your optometrist recommends).


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