Can you give a dog cottage cheese

(Picture Credit: Varvara Druhzinina/Getty Images)

Can dogs eat cottage cheese? You may be asking this because you want to feed your dog a cheese snack, or maybe your dog got into some cottage cheese already and you’re worried about their health. Humans can eat cottage cheese, so is it also safe for dogs to eat?

The short answer is yes, cottage cheese is safe for dogs to eat. Cottage cheese has beneficial qualities that can aid in your pup’s health, or it can be tasty treat to differentiate from the day-to-day meals your dog gets.

However, as with all human food, be sure to contact your veterinarian before giving your dog cottage cheese. Here’s what you should know about feeding cottage cheese to your dog.

Cottage cheese is fermented, meaning the lactose content in the dairy product is minimal. Lactose can be upsetting to some dog’s tummies, but the nutritional value in cheeses can be beneficial for your pup.

Because it is high in protein but lacking in lactose, cottage cheese is a great middle ground. Protein gives your pup energy by providing essential amino acids for cell and body function.

Cottage cheese has healthy fats and is also high in calcium, making it one of the better cheese options for your doggo. While cottage cheese is not the only source of protein, fat, or calcium a dog should get, it can be a good occasional substitute or addition to their diet.

How Can I Safely Give Cottage Cheese To My Dog?

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Cottage cheese can be given to your dog as it comes in the container. There is not much you need do to prepare cottage cheese differently from how it is bought in the store. What you should do is control how much cottage cheese your furry friend gets.

A little cottage cheese every now and then is great way to boost your dog’s energy level or help them recover from sickness.

Because cottage cheese contains dairy, you should let your dog try a small portion and monitor them for any negative reactions. Most dogs will not have a major reaction to lactose, but it is possible.

Has your dog ever eaten cottage cheese? Have you ever fed it to your dog after a stomach bug to help ease their tummy? Let us know in the comments below!

Maybe it starts from those sad eyes looking up from the side of the table. Or maybe, you have seen some added health benefits in your own diet and start thinking about your other beloved family members. Regardless of the reason, something has made you wonder if it is safe for your dog to eat cottage cheese.

If your dog is on a balanced and approved dog food, their dietary needs are likely covered by this food. Dog food is designed to focus on the things that dogs need most at all times in their lives. However, people can’t help but want to share their food with their pets. We completely understand, and for the right dogs, cottage cheese can be a great treat in moderation.

If you are curious about the safety of cottage cheese, it is relatively safe for a dog to eat. There are a few dogs that should not be eating cottage cheese, but we will get to that in a minute. The majority of dogs will like this low-fat treat.

Even though cottage cheese is okay for your dog – the thing is, it is mostly a treat. There is no reason to make cottage cheese a stable or a significant part of your dogs’ diet. This is not one of those human foods that does wonders for animals; it is more of a healthy alternative to giving your dog other higher fat table scraps and treats.

Cottage cheese is considered to be a probiotic, just like yogurts. Probiotics are known for being good for digestive health. If you have a dog that is struggling with diarrhea issues, cottage cheese in moderation can be a great way to introduce some bland and easy to digest foods.

What Dogs Should Not Eat Cottage Cheese?

If you are thinking of giving your dog some cottage cheese, you must first make sure they are not lactose intolerant. Cottage cheese is a dairy product with much less lactose than something like milk, yet it does contain lactose. If you give a product with lactose to a lactose intolerant dog, the results will not be good. If you have already given your dog some cottage cheese and they have an upset stomach and diarrhea, chances are they may be lactose intolerant.

It is also not recommended to give cottage cheese to large breed puppies. Large breed puppies grow at an extremely fast rate, and that is why they need food explicitly tailored to their growth rate. Filling too much of their diet with cottage cheese could result in some negative health benefits.

Cottage cheese is not a high-calorie food; however, if your dog is overweight, it is likely not necessary to be giving them cottage cheese. This is just extra calories in addition to their regular dog food that they don’t need.

Credit: Chendongshan, Shutterstock

How Much Cottage Cheese Should I Give My Dog?

Anytime you make a change in your dogs’ diet, it is best to consult the vet. Your vet may believe that adding some dairy/probiotics to your dog’s diet could be a great thing, and others will tell you to avoid it. Only you and your vet know the specifics of your dog’s health and diet. If you do get approval for cottage cheese, then it is generally safe to give a spoonful or so of cottage cheese to your dog every day.

You may not want to get them started on a new routine like this. It may be best to save cottage cheese as a treat once a week instead. If you start putting cottage cheese in your dog’s food every day, they may become dependent on the taste and give you a hard time should you suddenly take it away.

On a day when your dog is given some cottage cheese, make sure they get extra water as well. Cottage cheese is high in sodium and could cause your dog to get dehydrated. Although this is quite rare, you will likely just notice that your dog is a bit thirstier after eating cottage cheese. Leaving out a little extra water will help this problem.

Are There Better Options Than Cottage Cheese to Feed My Dog?

If you are set on giving your dog some human food, there are lots of other options to consider. Some of the healthiest options to provide dogs are apples, carrots, fish, peanut butter, and green beans. Although these may not seem as fun as a bowl of cottage cheese, these foods offer some more significant health benefits than cottage cheese.

How Should I Feed My Dog Cottage Cheese?

Cottage cheese can be a bit messy to eat, so be prepared to have to wipe down your dog’s face after the meal. Most dog owners will add the cheese directly to the feed or put a small amount in the bowl after your dog is finished with their meal. If your dog has been suffering from some stomach issues and you want to use cottage cheese to start reintroducing a mild food, you may start with some rice first and move on to cottage cheese once the rice has been held down by your dog.


Cottage cheese is an excellent probiotic, it does not have a high amount of lactose, and it is a good source of both protein and calcium. All of these things sound like they would be an excellent option for a dog. As far as people’s food is concerned, giving your dog a bit of cottage cheese is a safe choice. As we mentioned, make sure to check with a vet before any significant changes in the diet of your dog. Also, make sure to test if your dog is lactose intolerant before giving them a large amount of cottage cheese. Start with a spoonful and see how your dog handles it.

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How much cottage cheese can I give my dog?

Dogs can safely eat low-fat cheeses like cottage cheese every day, as long as you limit how much they eat. Cottage cheese should only make up less than 10% of their dietary intake for the day. This equates to about a few spoonfuls every day.

What kind of cottage cheese can I give my dog?

Since there are many types of cottage cheese with varying levels of fat content, you want to choose the right amount of fat for your dog. I generally recommend sticking with a 1% low-fat cottage cheese, so your dog is getting all the quality protein without overdoing the fat content.

Can I give my dog cottage cheese for diarrhea?

Cottage cheese contains high amounts of protein and fat, which help solidify waste. Vets recommend feeding cottage cheese to dogs sparingly, and only if the dogs do not have lactose intolerance. Cottage cheese may be too rich and could exacerbate diarrhea if served in excess.

Why would you give a dog cottage cheese?

Therefore, it's better to feed your dog low-fat cheeses, like mozzarella, cottage cheese, or a soft goat cheese. Cottage cheese is lower in fat and sodium than other cheeses, helping reduce the risk of obesity. Cottage cheese is also lower in lactose, thus reducing the likelihood of intestinal upset.


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