Can i thaw my turkey on the counter

It’s Thanksgiving morning. You’ve prepped dessert and a few sides already, but your bird is still frozen solid. First, relax: There’s no need to run around like a chicken turkey with its head cut off. The USDA recommends allotting a full 24 hours of thawing in the fridge per 4 to 5 pounds of turkey, but sometimes you get so wrapped up in holiday prep that you forget to start on time. We empathize, and that’s why we’ve found a few foolproof ways to quickly thaw a turkey and save the feast—even the morning of.

But First, Here’s How Not to Thaw a Turkey

We know it’s tempting, but whatever you do, please don’t plop the bird on the counter and let it thaw at room temperature. Per the USDA, “A package of frozen meat or poultry left thawing on the counter more than 2 hours is not at a safe temperature.” And definitely ignore Uncle Ron’s advice about leaving it in the basement to defrost—you want a controlled temperature, not food poisoning.

The Best Ways to Thaw a Turkey, Fast

How to Thaw a Turkey Overnight: Use the Fridge

Ideally, you should thaw a frozen bird in the fridge with these guidelines from the USDA in mind. Allow approximately 24 hours of thawing for every 4 to 5 pounds of poultry. Keep the bird in its original packaging and place it on a tray or in a pan to catch any juices that may leak. A fully thawed turkey can remain in the refrigerator for 1 to 2 days. Here are some approximate thawing times based on weight: 

  • 4 to 12 pounds — 1 to 3 days
  • 12 to 16 pounds — 3 to 4 days
  • 16 to 20 pounds — 4 to 5 days
  • 20 to 24 pounds —5 to 6 days

How to Thaw a Turkey in a Few Hours: Use the Cold-Water Method

Let’s say you woke up at 7 a.m. and realized that you forgot to transfer the bird from the freezer to the fridge last night. Fortunately, your guests aren’t coming over until later this afternoon.

Here’s the plan:

  1. Submerge your bird breast side down in cold water. A large pot or the sink should do the trick. Make sure the turkey is totally submerged (use a baking dish to weigh it down if you have to).
  2. Change the water every 30 minutes. This is key for food safety, so be sure to set an alarm for yourself so you don’t forget.

Note: It should take approximately 30 minutes per pound to completely thaw. So, for a ten-pound turkey, you're looking at about 5 hours of thawing time.

How to Thaw a Turkey When Your Guests Have Already Arrived: Cook It Frozen

Yup, you actually can safely cook a fully frozen turkey, says the USDA. But there’s a catch: Cooking time will take at least 50 percent longer. So, while a 12-pound, fully thawed turkey would normally take about 3 hours to cook in a 325°F oven, it will take 4½ hours or more to cook if it’s frozen.

I’ve gotten more done around the house in the past two weeks than I have in the past two years. Must be the nesting hormones. Amy figures she’s had enough. Baby’s due in a few days, but Amy would rather have it out now.  My youngest daughter, Courtlynn, arrives on Thanksgiving for five days, and we hope the baby arrives then as well.

But, there’s still work to be done, and every year, it’s the same issue. We say it’s OK for people to do what they are already doing – thawing turkey on the counter – and people freak out. After all, the U.S. Department of Agriculture and their extension types insist it is never OK to thaw turkey at room temperature.

We have lots of evidence and have written about it in peer-reviewed journals. But why doesn’t USDA or FDA, with all their resources, tell people why it’s not OK to thaw poultry at room temperature instead of repeating — as my friend Marty once quipped — like a fascist calling out country line dancing instructions, that it is never OK to thaw at room temperature?

Show us the data.

Pete Snyder at the Hospitality Institute of Technology and Management in St. Paul, Minnesota, has a summary available demonstrating the safety of thawing poultry at room temperature at //

My group wrote a review note on the topic a few years ago, and it is included in its entirety at //

However you thaw your turkey, use a digital, tip-sensitive thermometer to ensure it has reached an internal temperature of 165F. The laws of physics are apparently different north of the 49th parallel and poultry is required to reach 180F. No one knows why the Canadian government has different advice. And they’re not telling anyone.

Can I leave my turkey out overnight to thaw?

turkey, which, if left out, will take hours to thaw completely. If you thaw raw meat at room temperature for two hours or more, it will be subject to rapid bacteria growth. Is thawing a turkey at room temperature a good idea? Nope.

What happens if you thaw turkey at room temperature?

At room temperature, the turkey will thaw on the outside and rise well above the “danger zone” of 40°F, explains. Bacteria in the turkey can multiply quickly when it's at room temperature for more than two hours. You may serve up salmonella poisoning along with your famous candied yams.

How long can a turkey sit on the counter to thaw?

Uncooked meat or poultry (including frozen) shouldn't be left at room temperature for more than two hours. Any longer than that and you're just begging for a case of food poisoning.


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