Best way to control cat litter odor

As a cat owner, you know how smelly litter boxes can get. We offer 5 quick solutions to this stinky problem.

Scoop the box every day

This is probably the most obvious tip. Scooping on a daily basis prevents odors from building up, keeping your house free of nasty smells.

Replace all the litter and clean the box every two weeks

After a while, your litter will absorb the smell of the pee and poop in the box. That’s why we advise changing all the litter once every two weeks and cleaning the entire litter box in the process. This routine can be made easier by using litter box liners, in which case you can clean the litter box itself with a quick wipe.

Use Magic Blue litter box filters

Magic Blue consists of a cartridge that can hold up to 2 pads which absorb the pungent ammonia smells caused by your cat’s urine. The pads last for a month, after which they should be replaced. Both the Magic Blue starter pack and the refills are available on our website.

Add baking soda to the litter

Sprinkle some baking soda on the bottom of the box before adding the litter to create a protective layer. After your cat does its business it will bury its treasure, scooping up some of the baking soda which helps cover up the smell.

Change your cat’s diet

Some cat food creates more smell than others. Try different brands and types of food to figure out what works for your cat. Cat food containing fish tends to create less of a smell than food containing meat.

As adorable as our cats are, sometimes the present they can leave in their litter boxes can even make our neighbors wonder what’s going on! If you’re looking for ways to control the odor from your cat’s litter box smell then you’ve come to the right place. Try the following tips to reduce the litter box smell:

  • Clean your cat’s litter box every day: The simplest and most effective way to manage the odor from your cat’s litter box is to clean the box at least once a day. Regular scooping and cleaning will drastically reduce the odor. 
  • Wash the litter box every few weeks: In addition to regularly cleaning your cat’s litter box, you should wash the entire box thoroughly with soap and water every few weeks. Be sure to protect yourself from any bacteria by wearing gloves and avoid cleaning the litter box in the sink with your kitchenware. After you wash the litter box, replace with fresh litter. 
  • Keep your cat’s litter box in an area with ventilation: A great way to manage the smell of the litter box is to place the box near a window or exhaust fan so that the smell can dissipate. Avoid placing the litter box in a confined area or the odor can linger for weeks. 
  • Add baking soda to the litter: Surprisingly, baking soda is a great all-natural deodorizer that is both safe for cats and can help manage the litter box smell. By mixing a little bit of baking soda with the litter, you can help absorb any urine odors also. 
  • Watch your cat’s diet: A particularly strong odor from your cat’s litter box could be an indication that there is an underlying problem. Consult with your vet about your cat’s diet and make sure it includes fresh whole foods. Unhealthy dietary habits can lead to foul litter box smells and other health issues. 

Board Your Cat at Rover Resort

If you’re looking for a reliable, trustworthy, and luxurious place to leave your precious kitten in Prosper, Celina, and McKinney areas, look no further than Rover Resort. With our deluxe cat suites that are situated well away from the canine boarding area for maximum privacy and relaxation, your kitty will love their luxurious home away from home! Contact us if you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment!

by Michelle Lievense

Sweet, fluffy, loving, sometimes mischievous — cats can make a bad day better, a cold day warmer, and a rough day fluffier. However, when their litter box develops a smell, it can turn any room into a surprisingly toxic nightmare. How can something so fluffy and sweet produce such a terrible smell? 

Luckily, there’s plenty you can do to control litter box odor. Follow these pro tips for how to keep litter box from smelling and a healthier home that’s free from that foul litter box smell. 

  1. Scoop and Scoop Often

Indoor cats will use the litter box three to four times a day. That means scooping is often one of the best ways to minimize odor and stay on top of a sanitary litter box environment. Ideally, you’ll scoop right after your cat uses the facilities, but since that isn’t always realistic. Aim for at least one to two times each day. For times when you can’t scoop as often, or are in a rush, you can use a product like Skout’s Honor Litter Box Deodorizer for a quick refresh in between cleanings to help eliminate litter box odor. It’s safe to spray on used litter and in the surrounding air wherever nasty odors are present.

  1. Clean the Box (Not Just the Litter)

While this chore is less favorable than scooping, dumping the litter and cleaning out the box with Skout’s Honor Cat Urine & Odor Destroyer is an excellent and pet-safe cat litter odor eliminator to stay on top of odors that can stick to the sides and bottom of the litter box. Even smooth plastic is a little porous, which means odors can sink into the material over time. 

  1. Be Diligent About Changing the Litter

Even though you’re scooping daily, there are always bits left behind. You’ll help your kitty’s paws stay sanitary while minimizing odor if you change the litter at least once or twice per week. Completely dump all the litter, give your litter box a good wipe down, and refill the box with entirely fresh litter. 

  1. Litter Box Placement and the Right Number of Boxes

The right number of litter boxes will not only ensure your cat has options but also keep odors from building up throughout the day. There should be one more box than there are cats in the house. So, if you have one cat, there should be two litter boxes. 

Additionally, there should be at least one litter box on each floor. So, if you have three stories in your home, that would be three litter boxes, even if you only have one cat. If you have four cats, one of those three stories will need to have two litter boxes. Make sure the litter box is in a well-ventilated area, rather than tucking it away in the corner of a closet. Odors can build up, and they need to circulate for you and your cat’s sake. 

  1. Don’t Mask the Odor — Destroy it with a Cat Litter Odor Eliminator

Litter deodorizer sprays are a common way to control litter box odor. Try not to mask the odor with heavily scented candles, freshening sprays, and other cover-up options. It can create a chemical mess that’s potentially harmful to you and your cat’s health. Instead, opt for an unscented or gently scented deodorizer like Skout’s Honor Litter Box Deodorizer that will break down and destroy cat litter odors. Rather than covering up the cat odor, it actually destroys the odor molecules with its proprietary mineral-based deodorizer, so there is no need for any extra fragrance that might be irritating to you or your pets. Adding a little baking soda to your litter can also help absorb odors in a safe way. 

  1. Types of Litter Boxes

There are plenty of options when it comes to the types of litter boxes available. Find something that will be attractive in your home, encourage your cat to use it properly, and also limit odors. Large boxes will ensure your cat goes on the litter, rather than making a mess on the sides of the box. Boxes with a door or hood will help to contain odors as well. You might even consider something fancy and technologically advanced, like the Cat Genie, that cleans itself after each use. Woo hoo for technology!

  1. The Right Scoop - How to Pick Up Litter

Many litter boxes will come with a scoop, but how much is it really picking up? Do you have to scoop several times to get small pieces? Choose a wide scoop with thin slits. This will ensure you are efficiently picking up all the bits in as few scoops as possible, minimizing breakage that will form smaller, more difficult bits to scoop. It will also ensure as little as possible is left behind to stink up the box and your home.

  1. Choose the Best Type of Litter

There is, perhaps, no larger debate among cat guardians than the best litter. Some prefer all-natural paper, grass, or corn. Others want traditional clumping clay. And others are drawn to absorbent crystals. Whatever you choose, make sure it’s something that will be soft on your cat’s paws and will be easy to clean up. When it comes to odor, consider testing litter for stickiness. When litter sticks to your cat’s paws, it’ll be tracked out of the litter box, potentially spreading cat litter box odor. 

  1. Cat Nutrition 

Not everyone realizes that persistent or unusually stinky litter box odor can be an indicator of a health issue in your cat. Liver problems, digestive problems, and kidney and urinary tract infections can cause especially foul cat litter box odors. A visit to the vet can help to eliminate these possibilities from your litter box odor control concerns. 

You can also experiment with foods that may be easier to digest, although you should avoid changing your cat’s food too quickly and too often as this can also cause digestive distress. There are also prebiotic and probiotic supplement powders for cats that can help them to easily digest their food resulting in less offensive litter box odor. 

Every cat lover runs into questions about how to control litter box odor from time to time. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to troubleshoot. Following these best practices will ensure you and your cat have a cozy, comfortable, odor-free home.


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How to get rid of cat litter smell?

Get Rid of Cat Litter Smell. 1 Starting with the litter. Let's start with the litter itself. Tempting as it may seem, don't use the artificially scented litter. Your cat will hate ... 2 On to the box. 3 Did I say box? I meant boxes. 4 Tools to get the job done.

How to keep Dog litter box from smelling?

Scoop Litter Box Regularly First of all, remove all the particles that smell inside the box. Try to clean the boxes regularly and daily if possible. If you are not able to do this, then scoop it one day after another. This will make your pet happy and you also. Cleaning litters can be the easiest thing to do to keep odor away.

How to stop a cat from using the litter box?

Avoid using bleach and other abrasive detergents on the litter box. Cats have strong sniffers, and if they smell a strong odor, they may refuse to use the litter box. Just settle with mild soap and water. After washing, fill the litter box with a fresh layer of litter. Odors thrive in a litter box because it gets trapped for long.

How do I get my Cat to stop smelling like urine?

The absolute best way to control odors is to regularly maintain and clean your cat’s litter box. Scooping daily, especially in a multi-cat household, is key to controlling unseemly smells. As an added bonus, if you scoop daily, you really only need to replace clay litter every two to three weeks, which saves you money, too.


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