Bachelor of science in criminal justice abbreviation

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  • A. Business Machines International

  • B. Butyric Methyl Isoprene

  • C. Base Margin Index

  • D. Body Mass Index

DegreeAbbreviationOther abbreviations
Bachelor of Accountancy BAcc B.Acy, B.Acc., B. Accty.
Bachelor of Applied Science BASc B.AS., BAS, BSAS, B.ASc., BAppSc
Bachelor of Architecture BArch B.Arch.
Bachelor of Arts BA B.A., AB or A.B.
Bachelor of Business Administration BBA B.B.A.
Bachelor of Clinical Optometry BOptom
Bachelor of Dental Surgery BDS BChD, BDentS
Bachelor of Design BDes B.Des., B.Design
Bachelor of Divinity BD BDIV
Bachelor of Economics BScEcon BEc, BA(Econ), BScEcon, BSc(Econ), BSSc(Econ), BBA(Econ), BEconSc
Bachelor of Education BEd B.Ed
Bachelor of Engineering BEng B.Eng.
Bachelor of Finance BFin
Bachelor of Fine Arts BFA BFA, B.F.A.
Bachelor of Health Science BHSc
Bachelor of Laws LLB LL.B., B.L
Bachelor of Medical Sciences BMedSci BMedSc, BMSc, BSci(Med)
Bachelor of Medicine BM
Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery BMBS MBBS, MBChB, MBBCh, MBBChir(Cantab), BMBCh(Oxon), MB,BChir
Bachelor of Midwifery BMid BMidWif
Bachelor of Music BMus B.Mus., Mus.B., Mus.Bac.
Bachelor of Nursing BNurs BN
Bachelor of Osteopathy BOst BOstMed
Bachelor of Science BSc BSc, B.S., BS, B.Sc., Bc, S.B., SB, Sc.B.
Bachelor of Social Science BSocSc B.Soc.Sc., B.Soc.Sci.
Bachelor of Social Work BSW
Bachelor of Technological Education BTechEd
Bachelor of Technology B.Tech.
Bachelor of Theology BTh B.Th., Th.B., BTheol
Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine BVetMed BVMBVS
Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery BVMS BVM&S
Bachelor of Veterinary Science BVSc BVSC, BVMedSci
Business and Technology Education Council BTEC
Certificate of Higher Education CertHE Cert.HE, Cert ED, CertED
Common Professional Examination in Law CPE
Diploma in the Advanced Study of Education DASE
Diploma of Higher Education DipHE
Doctor of Art DArts
Doctor of Biomedical Science DBMS
Doctor of Built Environment DBEnv
Doctor of Business Administration DBA D.B.A.
Doctor of Chiropractic DChiro
Doctor of Civil Law DCL
Doctor of Clinical Dentistry DClinDent
Doctor of Clinical Dentistry DClinDent
Doctor of Clinical Practice DClinP
Doctor of Clinical Practice
Doctor of Clinical Psychology DClinPsych DClinPsy, ClinPsyD
Doctor of Clinical Research DClinRes
Doctor of Coaching and Mentoring DCaM
Doctor of Community Learning & Development DCommEd
Doctor of Counselling Psychology DCounsPych
Doctor of Counselling Psychology DCounsPsych
Doctor of Criminal Justice DCrimJ
Doctor of Dental Medicine DMD
Doctor of Dental Surgery or Orthodontics DDS DDSc
Doctor of Dentistry or Doctor of Divinity DD
Doctor of Design DDes
Doctor of Education DEd EdD, DrPS
Doctor of Educational and Child Psychology EdChPsychD DEdChPsy
Doctor of Educational Psychology DEdPsy
Doctor of Engineering EngD
Doctor of Enterprise EntD
Doctor of Forensic Clinical Psychology ForenClinPsyD
Doctor of Forensic Psychology DForensPsy
Doctor of Forensic Psychology Practice ForenPsyD
Doctor of Health DHealth
Doctor of Health Psychology DHealthPsy
Doctor of Health Science HScD DHSc
Doctor of Jurisprudence JD
Doctor of Laws LLD
Doctor of Letters or Doctor of Literature DLitt LittD
Doctor of Medicine DM MB
Doctor of Ministry DMin
Doctor of Music DMus MusD
Doctor of Nursing Science DNursSc
Doctor of Philosophy PhD DPhil
Doctor of Physical Therapy or Doctor of Practical Theology DPT
Doctor of Professional Studies DProf DPS
Doctor of Psychology DPsych Psy.D.
Doctor of Public Health DrPH
Doctor of Public Health Dr.P.H.
Doctor of Science DSc ScD
Doctor of Security Risk Management DSyRM
Doctor of Social Science SocScD DSocSci
Doctor of Social Work DSW
Doctor of the University DUniv
Doctor of Theology ThD
Doctor of Theology and Ministry DThM
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine DVM
Doctor of Veterinary Science DVS DVetMed
English Language Teaching Management ELT Management
European Master EM
Executive MBA EMBA
Foundation degree FD FDs
Foundation Degree in Learning Support FDEd FdEd
Foundation of Arts (Foundation degree) FdA FDA, FDArts
Foundation of Engineering (Foundation degree) FDEng
Foundation of Sciences (Foundation degree) FdSc
Graduate Diploma in Law GDL
Higher National Certificate HNC
Higher National Diploma HND HNDip
Integrated Professional Master in Languages IPML
Legal Practice Course LPC
Magister Juris or Master of Jurisprudence MJur M.Jur., Mag. Jur., Mag. iur.
Master in Arts MART Mart
Master in Chemistry MChem
Master in European Business MEB
Master in Hotel Management MHM
Master of Accountancy MAcc MAc, MAcy
Master of Advanced Metallurgy MMet
Master of Anthropology MAnth
Master of Architecture MArch M.Arch.
Master of Arts MA M.A.
Master of Biochemistry MBiochem MBioch, MBiolSci
Master of Biology MBiol MBio
Master of Biomedical Siences MBioMed MBioms, MBIOMS
Master of Business MBus
Master of Business Administration MBA M.B.A.
Master of Chemical Physics MChemPhys
Master of Chiropractic MChiro
Master of Classical Studies MClass
Master of Clinical Dentistry MClinDent
Master of Clinical Education MClinEd
Master of Clinical Optometry MOptom
Master of Clinical Research MClin Res
Master of Clinical Research MClinRes
Master of Computational Mathematics MMathComp MMathCompSci
Master of Computer Science and Philosophy MCompPhil
Master of Computing MComp MCompSci (Oxford University), MInf (Master of Informatics)
Master of Counselling MCouns MC, M.C., M.Couns.
Master of Creative Writing Crime Fiction MA(Engl)
Master of Dental Public Health MDPH
Master of Dental Science MDSc
Master of Dental Surgery MDS MChd, MChD
Master of Design MDes M.Des., M.Design
Master of Earth Science MESci MEarthSci, MEarthPhys
Master of Ecology MEcol
Master of Economics MEcon
Master of Education MEd M.Ed., Ed.M., M.A.Ed., M.A.E., M.S.Ed., M.Ed.L., M.S.E., MA(Ed)
Master of Engineering MEng MEng., M.Eng.
Master of Enterprise MEnt M.Ent.
Master of Environmental Science MEnvSci MEnv
Master of Finance MFin M.Fin, MiF
Master of Fine Arts MFA M.F.A.
Master of Geography MGeog
Master of Geology MGeol
Master of Geophysics MGeoPhys MGeophys
Master of Geoscience MGeoSci MGeoscience
Master of Health Science MHS
Master of History MHist
Master of Innovation MInnov
Master of International Affairs MIA
Master of Land Economy MLE
Master of Law MLaw
Master of Laws LLM LL.M
Master of Legal Science MLegSc
Master of Letters MLitt
Master of Liberal Arts MLA
Master of Liberal Arts MLibArts
Master of Linguistic Studies MLang
Master of Marine Biology MMarBiol MMBiol
Master of Marine Science MMSci
Master of Marketing MMkt
Master of Materials Science MASt
Master of Mathematics MMath
Master of Mathematics and Philosophy MMathPhil
Master of Mathematics and Physics MMathPhys MMath&Phys
Master of Medical Education MMedEd
Master of Medical Science MMedSci
Master of Medical Science in Public Health MMSPH
Master of Meteorology MMet
Master of Midwifery MMid
Master of Museum Practice MPrac
Master of Music MMus M.M., M.Mus.
Master of Music Therapy MMT
Master of Natural Sciences MNatSci
Master of Neuroscience MNeuroSci
Master of Nursing MN
Master of Nursing Science MNurs MNursSci
Master of Nutrition MNutr
Master of Oceanography MOcean MOSci
Master of Orthopaedic Surgery MCh Orth
Master of Osteopathy MOst M.Ost
Master of Performance MPerf
Master of Pharmacology MPharmacol
Master of Pharmacy MPharm MPharmSci
Master of Philosophy MPhil M.Phil., Ph.M., M Phil
Master of Physics MPhys MPhyPhil (Physics and Philosophy)
Master of Planning MPlan
Master of Primary Care MPC
Master of Professional Accountancy MPAc MPAcy, MPAcc
Master of Professional Practice MProf
Master of Psychology MPsych PsyM
Master of Public Administration MPA M.P.Adm., M.P.A.
Master of Public Health MPH M.P.H.
Master of Public Policy MPP
Master of Research MRes MA by research, MARes, MA(Res), MSc by research, MSc(Res), MScRes, M(Res)
Master of Science MSc MSci, M.S., MS, M.Sc., M.Sci., S.M., Sc.M., Sci.M.
Master of Science in Dentistry MScD MSD
Master of Science in Public Health MSPH
Master of Social Science MSSc M.Soc.Sci
Master of Social Work MSW
Master of Studies MSt
Master of Surgery MCh Ch.M., M.Ch., M.Chir.
Master of Teaching and Learning MTeach MTL
Master of Technology degree MTech M.Tech.
Master of Theology MTh MTheol, Th.M., M.Th.
Master of Veterinary Medicine MVM Vet.M.B
Master of Veterinary Physiotherapy MVetPhys
Master of Veterinary Public Health MVPH
Master of Veterinary Sciences MVetSci M.Vet.Sci
Master of Veterinary Surgery MVS
Master of Zoology MZOOL
Masters of Clinical Sciences MClinSci
New route PhD
Overseas Pharmacists' Assessment Programme OSPAP
Qualifications and Credit Framework QCF
Teaching Qualification (Further Education) TQFE
Top-up degree Top-up

How do you abbreviate bachelor of science?

Definition of Bachelor of Science Abbreviation: B.S., B.Sc., S.B., Sc. B.

What is the abbreviation of Bachelor of Science in Criminology?

Bachelor of Science in Criminology (BS Criminology)

What does CJ stand for Major?

CJ 1310. Introduction to Criminal Justice. History and philosophy of criminal justice: ethical considerations, crime defined, overview of criminal justice system, law enforcement, court system, prosecution and defense, trial process, and corrections.

How do you abbreviate degrees?

There is one common abbreviation of degrees: deg. There is also one commonly used symbol: °.


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