A company prices its hurricane insurance using the following assumptions

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Question 1145776: A company prices its tornado insurance using the following assumptions:
• In any calendar year, there can be at most one tornado.
• In any calendar year, the probability of a tornado is 0.12.
• The number of tornadoes in any calendar year is independent of the number of tornados in any other calendar year.
Using the company's assumptions, calculate the probability that there are fewer than 4 tornadoes in a 17-year period.

Answer by VFBundy(438) 
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"Fewer than 4 tornadoes" is another way of saying 3,2,1, or 0 tornadoes.

Probability of exactly 3 tornadoes: = 0.1963
Probability of exactly 2 tornadoes: = 0.2878
Probability of exactly 1 tornado: = 0.2638
Probability of exactly 0 tornadoes: = 0.1138

Probability of "fewer than 4 tornadoes": 0.1963 + 0.2878 + 0.2638 + 0.1138 = 0.8617

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Hurricanes A company prices its hurricane insurance using the following assumptions: i.

In any calendar year there can be at most one hurricane in any given location.


In any calendar year, the probability of a hurricane at any given location is 0.05.


The number of hurricanes in any calendar year is independent of the number of hurricanes in any other calendar year.

Find the probability of fewer than three hurricanes in a twenty year period. To apply binomial probability, we must first establish whether this problem can be considered a binomial experiment. A binomial experiment must satisfy three conditions. 1. The same experiment is repeated a fixed number of times. 2. There are only two possible outcomes, success or failure. 3. The repeated trials are independent, so that the probability of success remains the same for each trial. Let’s consider each trial of the experiment to be a calendar year and whether there is a hurricane at a given location or not. In this case, we think of success as there is a hurricane at the location in the calendar year and failure is that there is not a hurricane at the location in a given year. With this definition, the experiment is repeated twenty times (for the twenty year period). Since the number of hurricanes in a given year is independent of the number of hurricanes in another year, these trials are part of a binomial experiment. The event “fewer than three hurricanes in a twenty year period” is formed from three mutually exclusive events, 

“no hurricanes in a twenty year period”

“exactly one hurricane in twenty year period”

“exactly two hurricanes in a twenty year period”

We can find the probability of each of these events using binomial probability: (



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Hurricanes These mutually exclusive events form the event “fewer than three hurricanes in a twenty year period” so (


The key to this problem is to determine if the problem corresponds to a binomial experiment and then to write the event as a union of other mutually exclusive events.

National University of Singapore

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